Chapter 36

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"Lauren! We need to talk!" Cole proclaimed as he barged into my room just as I had pulled my tank top over my head.

"Knock much?" I mumbled. As soon as I turned around, his lips were attacking mine, and the weird thing was, I wanted him.

I wanted him so bad it hurt. Every time he pulled back to take a breath, I found myself pulling into him because it hurt to be away from him so bad. And that's when I realized I needed him more than anything.

That I still loved Cole Miller.

"I had to do that. I need to see."

"See what?" I asked breathlessly.

"If I still loved you."

"And do you?" I asked, hoping the answer to be yes.

"Yes." My heart jumped.

"Me too." His eyes widened.

"Wait what?" I smiled.

"I love you." He smiled back.

"Gosh finally!" He attacked me again, but I pushed back.

"Wait a minute wait a minute! You're supposed to say i love you too." He laughed.

"I thought that was pretty self explanatory, but I love you too."

"We'll it wasn't." I said as I stood on my tip toes and pecked his lips, then ran away to my bed.

"Lo?" He asked as he sat down on my bed and ran his fingers through my hair.


"Wanna marry me?" I sat up and gave him an are you crazy look.

"I'm 17!" I whisper-yelled. He rolled his eyes.

"And I'm 19, thank you captain obvious." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You KNOW that's not what I meant. I can't marry you now."

"But why not!" He whined.

"Because I'm not even out of high school yet!"

"Well what if I just propose and then we won't get married until you're ready?" I shook my head.

"Stevie, your mom, Eric, and your dad need to be ok with this." He sighed, standing up and taking my hand.

"Fine lets go ask." I followed him and stopped by Stevie's room and got him to come by himself downstairs. We called Eric and let him know what was going on and he was all for it but I honestly think he was busy so he just said it so he didn't have to stay on the phone.

"Uhm why are we here?" Genny asked as she sat on the couch next to Ben in the living room.

"Cole asked me to marry him but I said no because I wanna finish high school but he said what if I propose then we get married whenever you want but I said I want your permission so yeah." I said really quickly. Genny and Ben and Stevie all just sat and stared at us wide eyed and mouths ajar.

"You proposed?" Genny asked silently. Cole nodded as she jumped up and hugged him.

"Oh my baby! Finally!" I stared at her wide eyed, shocked that she'd agree to this.

"Of course you can marry each other! Gosh I wonder how much longer it would be before ya'll realized you liked each other." I laughed as I took Coles hand and looked to Stevie, his decision was my deal breaker.

"Obviously you love him so why not? Just wait until your out of high school please?" I ran at him and hugged him.

"Did I ever tell you how much I loved you?" He laughed.

"A thousand times plus one." I laughed an walked back over to my fiancé.

"We'll goodnight I guess." They all said goodnight and we walked back up to my room, shutting the door behind us.

"Well, guess what?" I said to him. He took both of my hands.


"You are now my fiancé."

"Gosh finally." He said as he kissed me down to my bed.

The Miller Boys (Sequel to TBBATGG)Where stories live. Discover now