How I Imagine Their Kids (PERCABETH)

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Yes, I do know that I have one "set" that I use in all my old books, but those were a long time ago, and I personally, don't like it when people use modern english names, or names clearly takes from TV shows, movies, books, etc. I also feel that they wouldn't name their kids after dead people because that would just make Percy (and Annabeth) sad whenever they heard it.

So I guess I'm a total hypocrite that doesn't want people to have names. Oh well,  my friend helped me with these.

Penelope (Penny) Sally Jackson
(As in Penelope, the faithful wife of Odysseus)

-She has curly light brown / Dark blonde hair and dull green eyes

-and freckles, lots of freckles

-fights with a modified handgun because she is too clumsy for up close fighting

-Does well in classes like Art, Drama, and English-Math and Science, not so much

-tried out for boys football at school to make a point, she got the rule changed, but also broke her arm, and her ankle

-is a total hopeless romantic

-when she was little, she wanted to be an actress, but when she actually got a job, it was as a freelance author (like her grandma who is her )

Theseus (Theo) Grover Jackson
(As in Theseus, the hero of the Labyrinth)

-Dark brown (black. It's black) hair and greenish eyes, covered by glasses

-Everyone thinks he's a nerd or whatever, because he wears glasses and reads a lot of comic books, but he's definitely on the more athletic side

-He's especially good at swimming (I mean, he's Percy's spawn after all) and is also good at basketball, probably because of how tall he is (taller than Percy)

-He fights with sword, but he's also good with a spear

-Amazing at impressions

-Was offered sports scholarships to good collages, but decided to stay at Camp Half-Blood as an instructor

Sofia Charlotte Jackson
(for the middle name Idk just found it from someone else's fic and I liked it, and Sofia (not Sophia) is a Greek name that means Wisdom)

-is the youngest, younger than Theo by 3 years, and Penny by 5 years

-Though her grades don't show it (she has anxiety that acts up a lot during tests), she's very bright

-She is basically a walking tech support

-She also plays video games regardless of type: from Metroid to Leauge of Legends to Call of Duty to Mario Party to Portal, since the godly powers would be gone by he third generation, she doesn't have to worry about the scent (she lives in New Rome too)

-Oh yeah, um she has straight brown hair and sea green eyes

-She's definitely more of a strategist, but she uses a dagger if she has too

-She loves her Uncle Leo

-She cannot finish a book for the life of her

-When she grows up she worked as a Compsci (computer science) teacher, and all her students like her? I guess. She also developed a few games, and will give extra credit to any students that beat her high score

Let me know if you want me to do this for Jasper, Jeyna (I ship them both), Frazel, Solangelo, or any other ship

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