Soulmate AU- VOTE

282 8 7

Vote on which one I'll write Percabeth for

1. The only color you can see is the color of your mate's eyes.

2. Whenever your mate says your name, you will turn towards the direction they are in, no matter how far away you are.

3. Everyone has half of a symmectrical mark on them (butterfly, heart, diamond, spade, etc) and the other half will appear when you meet your mate.

4. Their hobby that they excel in has always been something you wish so badly you could do but fail epically at.

5. There is a bond between you and your mate in which you can sense each other's emotions.

6. As a continuation of number 5, you can also send each other emotions to comfort the other or confess your love before you know anything about them.

7. If your mate is listening to music, you can hear it faintly, as if it is playing outside.

8. On your wrist you are born with a number. This is the amount of times you and your mate will see each other before you actually meet.

9. Your favorite outfit will be the one you meet your mate in

10. After you meet your mate, it is physically impossible for you to tell anyone else you love them romatically.

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