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Hi, huge Zelda fan here (gee, you wonder where I get my nickname from) but actually try to unsee that TP Link and Zelda as Jason and Piper. Well this au are for Ocarina of Time, but I love them!

You don't even need to know LOZ, but it may help.

-Jason as Link, Piper as Zelda / Sheik (spoilers), Reyna as Saria and um... Gaea as Ganon?

-Jason was raised in Kokiriki forest, under the command of the great Deku tree

-Yada yada yada, princess Piper is in trouble

-Yada Yada Yada Triforce

-Master Sword causes Jason to travel 7 years into the future, only to find Hyeule in demise

-He teams up with Sheik (Piper, in disguise) who is an incredible fighter

-Sheik reveals that he is Piper

-Jason goes WTF

-He defeats Gaea by playing tennis Yada Yada Yada

-he gets turned into a child only to die the next month

The end! I tried not to spoil the game, I really did.

O.o double update

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