Just Some Cool Things I Found On Tumblr- 1

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I didn't realize how hard it would be to write a Drabble a day, have some copy 'n pastes from tumblr in the mean time

Percy's Hair By Suchastart
Especially in various stages of growth, flopping into his eyes and "no, it's fine, I can still see, we're good, let's go," until he gets walloped by Clarisse, just a straight flat side of the sword to the face. "I'm fine," he says, on his ass, holding his bleeding nose as Clarisse just cackles. So Drew Tanaka, angel that she is, flicks a hair tie at him (nails him right in the eye; the ladies in his life are so helpful) and his hair isn't long enough for a ponytail yet, but he can pull the front up a little. It sticks up above his forehead like a little tiny tree sprig. "Yo, Alfalfa," Clarisse laughs, "On your feet."

And sometimes it's headbands, and clips, and bobby pins. Piper braids it back. Jason tries to spike it perfectly vertical with gel. Annabeth finds herself fascinated by it–it's just so long and pretty and she wants to hate him for it but he looks, uh, well. He rises up out of the Sound and the sun is falling and he's lit up all golden and shining and she can't help but walk towards him, pulled like gravity, pulled like love, and his hair is wet and falling against his neck and she pushes it back, fingers carding through the glossy strands. "I knew you liked it," he says, and if she shoves him back into the water, it's not like she won't be joining him in a moment, anyway.

And then when it's long enough! Pulling it up into ponytails and buns, and complaining about his sore scalp at the end of the day, and lying in the grass with his head in Annabeth's lap, listening to campfire songs as she picks the hay and sand out of his hair, running her fingernails across his scalp. He dozes as she laughs with their friends, as she brushes the hair from his forehead, the shell of his ear, an almost absent motion as she keeps watch over him. And him pulling it up before a battle, strands falling loose with exertion, sticking sweaty to his face and cheeks and against the back of his neck; blowing it out of his eyes; tucking it behind his ears; running his hands through it when he's thinking.
Sally fondly tugging on the ends, eyes bright. "You need a haircut," Paul says, and Sally winks at Percy behind Paul's back. "I like it."

And Annabeth. Crawling out of Tartarus with limp curls that smell like ash and smoke and lava, and taking scissors to it when she finds a spare moment. Throwing the dead hair in the trash. Cupping the vulnerable back of her neck with a shaking hand. It's... nice. Less upkeep, less problematic; it gives opponents less opportunity to grab her, anyway, and she likes the way the longer pieces of in the front frame her face, the way she can pin it up and back at the sides.

"I love it, but we need to go bigger," Piper says, and so they shave the side, soft and short like peach fuzz, and everybody's constantly touching it. Percy loves it. He runs his cheek against it, and kisses her temple, and nuzzles the side of her head when he's trying to get to sleep. She's got a scar just there, above her ear, kind of like a racing stripe–she's heard it said that when she's in the ring, her sleeves rolled up and her boots tied tight, armed with her armor and her knife, she looks like a gladiator, her grin feral, her eyes dark and focused like stormclouds.

Ace Hunters Of Artemis by Charmspeakling

imagine an ace/aro demigod girl wanting to be one of the hunters of artemis

artemis would give the whole warning about how "you have to swear off dating" and the girl is just like "oh no what a nightmare" all sarcastically.

and artemis just smiles like "oh, this one. i like this one."

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