December 1st- Solangelo

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"i know we hate each other but it's christmas eve and your flight was cancelled please come inside"

"I'm fine," Nico protested, his flight to see his sisters, mom, and dad had just been canceled due to a terrible snow storm. Will, his co worker, was also staying late to help close up the toy store.

"No, it's not," Will replied, "it's Christmas, and no one should spend Christmas alone," Will was one of those people who puts lights up in October, and takes their tree down in February. He loved the Christmas season and everything about it.

"I'm fine really," Nico said, picking up a shelf of Barbies some bratty kid had knocked down. "I've got Netflix,"

Will was not impressed, though he wasn't a stranger to binge watching Friends instead of studying. "Just come over for an hour? It's a long ride to Manhattan," that was true. The store in Queens that they worked at was half an hour away from Manhattan, but it was much worse with all the holiday traffic.

"Fine," he said. "But I'm eating your mom's cookies," Will's mom mad the best Christmas cookies that Will brought to the morning shift. They made the 7:AM rush a little more bearable.

"No problem," Will said, "Kayla and Austin are coming, and so our my cousin's so there will be a lot of food,"

"You sure your mom won't mind?" Nico asked, regretting saying yes already. People were bad, especially Will's family. Will's mom had dropped him off on his first day of work and she was in tears. He was 19. They were in college for god's sake. And a Christmas elf wasn't necessary the best job in the world.

"No, she's fine," Will responded, "Kayla's bringing home her boyfriend so it's cool,"

"So this is a date?" Nico asked. Sure he like Will, and Will liked him back, but Nico's family would kill him if he so much as looked at a boy romantically.

"No," Will said, blushing. "Unless you want it too be, cause that's cool too,"

"It's not, and if my Dad hears about this I'm dead," Nico blurted out, he put the last of the NYARF guns on the shelf.

"He doesn't have too," Will responded, "C'mon, let's go," he said, and they left the store.

That was bad. I'm sorry, I might write a part two, because I've got 21 prompts, but 25 days

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