Just Some Cool Things I Found on Tumblr -2

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To quote the amazing falloutpercy "I've tasked myself with writing too many AU's at once, send help." So I just found these

Piper McLean Headcannon by naps-before-exorcisms
Headcannon that whenever Piper is upset, she cuts her hair again. Somebody will joke that the Aphrodite kids are "nothing but pretty faces", and she'll go home and chop off three inches of her hair. She'll show up to breakfast with messy bangs or a choppy bob, and that's how the others tell she's upset. One morning she shows up with a pixie cut, and an emergency sleepover is called to cheer her up.

Beckendorf by sallyjacson

okay but Beckendorf realizes Percy's massive crush on Annabeth really quickly b/c it's so obvious
and Percy's like NO 36 octaves louder than normal and of course that's the moment Annabeth's nearby and asks "No what?" and Percy's all red and a stuttering mess and Beckendorf just crosses his arms and completely straight faced says "yeah percy, no what?"

Hair ties by teenageapollos
Annabeth always leaving hair ties around his place and they smell like her shampoo and then she vanished so he wears them on his wrist all the time and sometimes wears her grey sweatshirt around his waist cause they still smell like her until it begins to fade and he feels like she is slipping away from him because he can't even remember what it feels like to hold her anymore

(Also, not PJO but)
1st Letter Of My Name : Z
Last Letter Of My Name : A
1st Letter Of My Moms Name : M
Last Letter Of My Moms Name : A
1st Letter Of My Dads Name : (I used the second because it would be two in a row): L
Last Letter Of My Dads Name : X
My Child's Name Would Be ? Zamalax

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