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AU Where Poseidon dumps Amphitrite (she'd be happy about that) and makes Sally his new immortal wife.

-Percy is a god his whole life.

-He falls in love with Annabeth by staling her from olympus and he kills the Cyclops before it even gets to her

-Thalia becomes the child of prophecy.

-Percy does fight in the Titan war, just with the other gods.

-He saves Annabeth's life again, when a Titan is too close to killing her, by putting himself right in front of her.

-She starts slashing her dagger at him, not realizing he's a god,

-He turns around and says, "This isn't the first time I've saved your life," she's left in confusion.

-When the heroes are presented with wishes, Thalia chose to see Jason again (it somehow still wipes his memory and brings him to CHB), all the other choices are the same.

-Heroes of Olympus era just has Nico, instead of Percy, as well as Thalia and Will (instead of Frank and Hazel) in the seven, because they've never met the Romans.

-However, the atrocity that is Jasabeth occurs

-When Jason meets Piper, he just dumps Annabeth, causing her to try and join the hunters

-but before that, Percy goes and stops her.

-She falls in love with him and realizes it's the guy from the Titan war, but, as he's not a part of classical mythology, she has no idea who it is.

-A very long while (9-10 years?) after the war, when Annabeth is just finishing working on Olympus, she sees Percy and demands answers.

-He shrinks down to human size and explains everything.

-She then just gives him a hug.

-After Annabeth leaves, Athena comes in and starts hitting Percy with a newspaper.

-Not because she hates him, though he was a particularly annoying child,

-because she actually is a huge Percabeth shipper.

-She then gets Aphrodite to work a little love magic, and BOOM! Percabeth.

-Then Percy gets really mad at the two of them, because he knows that one day, she's gonna die.

-So he asks Zeus to make him a mortal, so he can be with her.

-His prayers are answered when he Zeus the two with something, idk what but, instead of making Percy mortal he made Annabeth immortal because she's done more than enough for the gods and then they got married and had Percababies and they all lived happily ever after.

-And I think about this too much.

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