Anon Tumblr Goodies

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On tumblr, there's a feature that lets people submit things anonymously, and here are some gems I found

Percabeth eating breakfast in the Poseidon table when this little girl is claimed by Poseidon. Everybody is looking at Percy, expecting him to come and guide her to the table. Percy turns to Annabeth and whispers "Am I supposed to do something?"

Piper headcannon, that after a while she falls in love with wearing dangly earrings. She wears them at all times for a while. And when she gets into a fight/battle she takes them out and pockets them. Then one day shes out with Jason and a monster attacks. But shes wearing a dress without pockets so when she takes them out and grabs for her dagger, Jason sheaths his sword and just takes them from her like 'you go girl I got the earrings'.


Clara Oswald is Basically Girly!Annabeth


Anon: Artemis and Apollo walking around as mortals and since she chooses to look 12 and he's a teenager he always gets the "Aww it's nice how you spend time with your little sister" from girls which makes Artemis so mad

Reply from blackjacktheboss: if he's a teenager then she absolutely chooses to look like 20 and says she's his babysitter


A little Poseidon girl who likes to make forts in Cabin 3 with Percabeth


Petition to take Zeus down of the thrown and make Sally Jackson the ruler of the Universe


I hope this is substantial enough to get you through till I have winter break

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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