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I've shown you British!Annabeth, but Queen Lilibird gets better, Short!Anbabeth!

She's 5 foot 1 and a half inches tall, dammit Thalia stop saying I'm just 5′1″ you know better!

She's about an inch or so shorter than Hazel (and their relationship deserves it's own post I mean short!Annabeth and Hazel are amazing), and Leo loves standing up straighter when he walks by her to show off that he's 5'3".

She hit her growth spurt really young, so she was insanely tall back when they were twelve (because her being taller than Percy was actually one of my favorite things) but hasn't really grown since.

She uses her size to her advantage.

No one can step lighter or dance easier around a monster. She'll have them dead before they even laid eyes on her.
She couldn't stop smiling when she found out that she wasn't the shortest person on the quest (Coach Hedge was).
Piper likes to use her as an armrest, even though Piper herself is only 5'6" and she has to lift her arm uncomfortably for it to work.

Piper also buys her ironic t-shirts with a 'I'm not short! I'm fun sized!' or 'Good things come in small packages.' or 'Short, but not sweet.' and Annabeth pretends to hate them but she really does need more clothes.

If someone holds something out of her reach she'll just elbow/punch them in the gut, and grab the item as they keel over coughing.

If she wears heels people just laugh more because she's barely average height with them.

People like to give her piggyback rides for some weird reason, and she grows to accept it later on. Hey, a free ride never hurt anyone. (No but seriously what is it with you tall/average people and wanting to carry us everywhere??? Why is that something that sounds enjoyable???)ml

She wears size six shoes and Hazel (who has weirdly large feet for her height) always likes to mess with them because they're so cute and small.

"Damn, someone's gonna need to crawl through that vent. Hey, Annabe-" "Yeah yeah, fine. Give me a boost."

She has to stand on her tiptoes and tug Percy down slightly in order to kiss him. If she wants to surprise him she has to aim and jump or he needs to be sitting.

She has the best bee face if someone makes a cheap short joke. Like a disappointed mother mixed with a WWE fighter. (Although she appreciates the clever ones. One time Travis made a pun involving Martin Short and she surprised everyone by cracking up.)

Sally always picks her up off of the ground when she hugs her.

"Though she be but little, she is fierce" - William Shakespeare. Her cabin mates got her a drafting book with that quote engraved on the cover.


His shirts go almost down to her knees, depending on which shirt it is (she  chooses the biggest ones because go big or go home right) and the sleeves sometimes hit her at the elbow. She could definitely wear them without pants and no one would notice.

His hoodie sleeves can be used as weapons when she's wearing them, because there's enough excess she can beat people with it. (And has.)

No one would ever say anything, but Annabeth Chase walking around in Percy's huge blue hoodie is literally the most adorable sight and people have to cover their mouths to keep from awwing at how it just swallows her up and looks like a dress.

"Brrr it's getting kind of chilly isn't it?" "If you want my jacket you just have to ask." "Pffft what no- wait you're serious. Yes please."

Call her Shortie, she what happens. (Hint: Something bad.)

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