Chapter 1

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@2016 Bryana Thorson

      I watched the small tree in our yard blow in the wind. It bent so far over I thought it would snap in half. How come it didn't? What kept it from breaking? A car horn jolted me from my thoughts and I jump slightly. I made my way to Phillip's car and plastered on my best fake smile.

"How's my beautiful girl doing today?" He asked, patting my back gently. I shrugged.

"Windy, huh?" He said, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. His hand brushed the side of my cheek and I looked up at him. His dark eyes were warm but he didn't fool me. I knew how fast those warm eyes could frost over.

"Yeah. It is." I replied as I slid inside his car. Phillip turned up the song on the radio as we backed out my driveway and made our usual five minute drive to school. The routine continued as he pulled into his parking space and shut off the car. Before I could open the door, I felt a hand grasp my thigh and I yelped as his fingers dug into my leg.

"You better not be late to lunch again today." He said. "It's in your best interests you're not." His hand left my thigh but only to grab the skin on the inside of my elbow. The sharp sting made instant tears well in my eyes as he pinched harder.

"Answer me!" He bellowed softly. I nodded quickly.

"I won't be late, Phillip. I promise."

"Good." He said, got out of the car, and came to open my door for me. After I had gotten out and had my backpack on, he intertwined his fingers with mine and threw me his winning smile. The one that at the beginning of our relationship had made my heart skip a beat and my tummy flutter. Now, it sent a churning in my tummy and added hate in my heart. I slightly smiled back at him. With a kiss on my cheek, he left me to go hang out with 'the guys'. I quickly walked to my locker, glad for the small bit of freedom I had. As it was, my thigh was already throbbing- no doubt a bruise had formed.

      "Sarah!" I heard a voice call me and I turned to see my best friend Emily barreling towards me. She used her elbows to rake her way through the crowd of teenagers and I rolled my eyes at her. I quickly grabbed my pre-cal book and a jolly rancher. Shutting my locker, I turned to see Emily bouncing up and down behind me.

"Yessss?" I asked, skeptically. She looked like she was about to burst. "Do you have to pee or something?" She shook her head. "Aced a History test?"

"No! Come on, Sarah! Don't tell me you haven't heard the news!" She squealed.

"I've been otherwise occupied." I murmured to myself. Emily continued on, not hearing me.

"Beck is back! Apparently his new school in California kicked him out so his mom sent him to live with his dad for the last few months of school!"

"Beck? Beck Waters? Didn't he get suspended last year for bashing a guy's head in?"

"Yep, that's the one! Remember his parents got divorced and he moved to Cali with his mom afterwards?"

"Yeah. That stinks. Who would want to leave California for this place?"

"Hey! Minnesota's not that bad."

"Snow? Beach?" I held up each hand as if weighing them. "Beach."

"Ooo. So true! I mean, I bet he's all tan and muscular." She drooled. I scoffed at her.

"Oh. Sure."

"Hey! Some of us all need to dream. Some of us aren't lucky enough to be dating Phillip Rogers. Hottest guy in town." I internally winced at her statement.

"Yeah. If all could be so lucky." I huffed under my breath.

"Come on. We have pre-cal to get to. Don't want to be late."

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