Chapter 8

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My whole body was itching with fear as I sat in the car tapping my leg. I expected Phillip to show up and hall me out of the car by my hair. I don't know if he knows I'm going to the beach but I hope if he does, he thinks it's with just my mom. I hope he has no idea about Beck. Not that I'm actually GOING to the beach with Beck. Beck will just be there. I blew a strand of hair out of my face and wiped my sweaty palms on the car chair. I don't care what Phillip thinks, part of me says. But then the other part of me is so ruled by fear, I'm ready to jump at a moments notice. My mom tapped on the car window and I jumped. I opened my door.

"Hon? Do you want to say goodbye to your father?" I unbuckled and walked up to my dad, who stood on the porch front with a sad expression.

"I love you, dad." I said and threw my arms around his neck.

"I, uh, love you too, kiddo." I kissed his cheek and he kissed the top of my forehead. I scrambled back to the car. As we backed down the driveway and drove to the airport, I had to remind myself to keep breathing.

"What?" I looked at my mother in shock.

"You heard me, Sarah. Melinda has to get her car back to California but she can't deal with another long car ride. So Melinda and I are going to take a flight while you and Beck take a road trip to drive her car back."

"But- but." I sputtered.

"No buts. I already told Melinda you'd do it."

"How long of a drive is it?"

"It will probably take you guys about two or three days, including your hotel stays."

"Hotel stays?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yes. Melinda and I felt that Beck shouldn't drive through the night so you guys will be going as far as possible and stopping around ten every night at a hotel."

"But mooooooom! I don't WANT to be in a car for days. With Beck." I shook my head.

"Honey. You know Beck."


"Don't raise your voice to me. You are going on this road trip. You never know what could happen." She winked at me. Winked at me?

What does she think will happen? Nothing is going to! I don't know Beck. I don't want to know Beck. A normal mother wouldn't want their teenage daughter to be going on a cross country road trip with a guy. But no. She's making me!

"How many hotel rooms?"


I turned around to stare at her.

"One room? For two people. Of the opposite gender? I don't WANT to share a room with Beck!"

"Well you are, so deal with it."

She's crazy. I am 100% sure my mom has officially been knocked off her rocker. This is ridiculous! I don't want to go on a road trip. I don't want to be stuck in a car with Beck for days. And I don't want to share a hotel room with him every night. Why can't my mom be normal?

Though I hate car rides, I wanted the car ride to the airport to last forever. I was already thinking up all the ways my life was going to be miserable for the next few days. Not only did I have to be in a car with Beck, I had to keep Phillip off my case at the same time.

As we pulled into the Minneapolis airport, I tried desperately to think of an excuse to not go on the car ride.

"Mom. I don't feel to well." I held my stomach and leaned up against the car door. She didn't even look up from under the trunk as she pulled our bags out.

"You're fine, Sarah. You are not getting out of this so just accept it."

"Is someone scared to be in a car with me?" I jumped at the voice behind my ear and whirled around. Beck raised his eyebrows. I plopped my hands on my hips and gave him my best stink eye.

"I am not scared." He smirked at me as he grabbed my bags from the sidewalk.

"Oh yeah? Prove it." I balled my hands into fists.

"I will!" I squealed. Melinda put a hand on Beck's shoulder.

"Be nice to Sarah, Beck. Nobody has forgotten that time she beat you up because you stole her Popsicle."

"We were five! And she," he jabbed a finger at me, "was big for her age. I was a puny innocent little thing."

"You stole my food! Of course I was going to take it back!" He threw his hands up in the air.

"I had back problems for years. I blame you." He grabbed my arm and put me in a headlock.

"Let me go, Beck." His hands started to move to my side. "Don't you dare, Beck Francine Waters. Beck. Beck! Nooo!" I couldn't control my spasms and laughter as he tickled me.

"Beck! Let her breathe!" Melinda yelled at him and he let go.

"Gotcha, Gertie."

"If you call me that one more time, I will sit on you."

"Oo. Scary." He held his hands up in mock terror. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Real mature, Sarah."

"Yeah, well, your face." He shook his head.

"Doesn't even make sense." He sighed.

"If you two are done, we need to get going to pass through security. Beck, no funny business."

"No ma'am." He saluted my mother.

"Sarah, don't be too much of a pain."


"Call if you guys need anything." Melinda said as they hugged us both. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my mom whisper something in Beck's ear.

I narrowed my eyes at him but he just threw me his sideways cocky smile.

"We'll call if we need anything." Beck answered and I rolled my eyes. He's already answering for me. I crawled into the passengers seat and sunk deep into it, crossing my arms. This was so not happening.

"Aw, cheer up, flower. Just think about these next few days as the best days of your life." He said holding back a laugh as he started the car.

"In your dreams." I muttered.

"Yep." He threw the car in gear and we pulled away.

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