Chapter 5

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My mom had me making the salad but my mind kept wandering to what Beck had said.

My heart was beating so quickly that it was distracting me. I dropped the dressing when I got it out of the fridge and it landed on Melinda's foot.

"Sarah!" My mom cried, appalled that I wasn't perfect. I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"Sorry." I mumbled as I picked it up.

"Silly Sarah." A familiar male voice said behind me, causing me to fumble with the dressing and almost drop it again.

Smooth, Sarah.

I put the dressing on the salad and when I turned to get the feta cheese, Beck was standing there holding it.

"Uh. Can I have that?"

"Nope." He flashed that winning smile that sends shivers down your spine and makes your knees weak. Not that that happened to me. I put my hand on my hip.

"Please?" Melinda and my mom brushed passed us, sharing a smile between them. I ignored them.

"Listen. Just give me the cheese." I made a grab for it. He loomed over me a good foot and a half so my hand didn't even get close to the package.

"Someone's grumpy, aren't they, Cade?"

"Yes. Now give me the cheese."

"How about no?"

"How about now?" I retaliated. He threw his head back and gave one of those really low throaty laughs that caused my tummy to flutter. I couldn't keep my eyes off his smooth throat and flushed when he caught me looking at him.

Calm down. Golly geez, Sarah.

"How about you sit here," he pulled me over to a bar stool and sat me down, "and I'll finish the salad?"

"Doesn't look like I have much of a choice."

He smiled as he started putting the cheese in the salad.

"Right you are."

"So how was school today? Punch anybody?"

"No." He shot me a look but I smiled at him. His face relaxed. "Normal. Except your boyfriend was a little more, uh, verbal today." I frowned.

"Phillip talked to you?"

"Well, I wouldn't call it 'talking' per say."

"What do you mean?"

"He saw me at your locker when I was getting your books out and he got angry." Great. That means Phillip is going to question me about it. Which means lying. Joy.

Beck had a strange look on his face.

"That's all?"

"Uh, mostly." I shot him a look.


"So we got in a slight verbal argument." I went to say something but he stopped me with, "But, but, but. You'll be happy to know I refrained from knocking the shit out of him." I shocked myself that I was actually slightly disappointed.

"Oh. Um. Thanks?"

Geez, Sarah. You're disappointed the guy you're dating didn't get the snot beaten out of him by a guy that's a lot bigger then him. Not like he doesn't beat the snot out of you.

I frowned at the thought. With a sigh I sent a silent plea up to God for patience with myself. Beck shook his head with a smile.

"Why are you dating that punk again?"

I froze. I don't have an answer to that. I don't even know why I'm dating him either. Well I mean, I do. But it's not something I can tell him. I gave him the best excuse I knew-


He snorted. "Good one, Cade."

"I try." He looked at me and I felt like I was being scrutinized. When I shifted, he picked up the salad and carried it to the table.

"Sarah!" My mom called from the dining room. "Come sit down!" I followed the voice and sat in my usual seat. Beck sat kitty corner to me. Not that it mattered, of course. I shook my head.

Really, Sarah? Yeesh.

The food was delicious. And for the first time, my parents actually talked. And smiled. And laughed. I felt like I was 8 again when everyone was happy. Beck was making jokes, my parents were laughing together and I felt myself relax. Even after all these years, it's weird how fast we all fall into old routines and relationships. Melinda caught my eyes and nodded slightly towards Beck. I blushed but she mouthed

'Take care of him.'

I nodded, knowing nothing else to do.

        There were suds up to my elbows as I plunged my hands back into the sink.

"Sarah, we have a dishwasher." My mom said, bringing in more dishes.

"I know. I just wanted to." I concentrated on cleaning the dishes, anything to keep my mind busy.

"Okay." She said grabbing a bottle of wine to bring out to the living room.

I sighed and leaned forward against the cabinets. I just wanted to go upstairs and sleep for forever. Tonight was like an escape from reality but the second dessert was done and dishes started getting cleared, the feeling of peace faded and my usual panic feel pressed back in. It was almost like for an evening I was the Sarah I used to be. The Sarah with caring parents and without a boyfriend who hurts her. Tears gathered in my eyes but I sniffed them back.

Tears don't help anything anyways.

A throat cleared behind me, yanking me from my thoughts and solitude.

"You okay?"

"Fine." I went back to quickly scrubbing the plate in my hands. I heard him move closer to me so I scrubbed faster. His hands reached out slowly to stop mine. I jumped.

"No you're not."

Warning bells rang through my head.

"Yes. I am. I'm fine." I gritted my teeth and turned my head away from him. He caught under my chin and turned my head towards his. His eyes looked stormy but warm at the same time. I flinched as his other hand came closer and looked down. He gently touched my bad cheek. The one I had so perfectly covered with make up.

"You're not fine, Sarah."

"You don't know anything." I meant for it to come out stronger but I could barely mange a whisper. The tightness in my chest increased until it felt like I could barely breathe.

"I do though, Sarah. I know. I know the signs of an abused woman." My eyes widened and I looked up at him. "And I know that it's Phillip."

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