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"When do you think my dad will come back?" Duane asked with a scared look on his little face. I tried to give him a reassuring smile as I walked towards him and sat down on the worn out mattress that we had placed on the cold dusty floor. "No need to worry, he'll be here soon." I hope.
I couldn't let him know that I was as scared as he was. Morgan had gone out in the morning to scavenge for food. Sure, I guess it doesn't seem long. But in this world we live in, hours feel like years.
"Hey, you ever play Slaps?" I looked at Duane in hopes of getting his mind off things. "Slaps? Sounds painful." He replied with a confused look on his face. I laughed as I turned to face him, "It shouldn't be. Here, start by placing your hands out in front of you. Palms down." Duane slowly placed his hands in the air. I continued explaining, "Great, okay now I place my hands beneath yours like this. See, our hands should hover a bit, not touching. And then you just..." *SLAP* Duane jumped in surprise as I slapped his hands. I laughed at the look on his face. "Hahaha, see what you had to do was move your hands as quick as you can before I slap 'em. That's why the game is called Slaps." He nodded, "Okay lemme try!" We placed our hands out again as he tried to slap mine. 1 2 3, miss. He furrowed his brows as he said,  "Lemme try again, I'll get you this time." I smiled and nodded. 1 2 3 , miss. I chuckled as he tried once more and missed.
He didn't seem to like that too much as he scowled, crossed his arms, and responded with. "What's the point of this stupid game anyway? To scare each other? Isn't the outside world doing enough of that?! Why don't we go look for my dad instead of playing these stupid games." He walked to the front door and opened it a bit. "Duane. Close that door." I said with a stern voice as I stood up. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "You're not my mom." I sighed, "No. No I'm not... But I promised your dad when he left that I would keep an eye on you and protect you. So please close that door."
Duane glared at me. "Make me." I took a deep breathe and slowly warned him, "Duane. If you don't close that door this instant. I swear I'll come over there and-"
I stopped midway as two rotten arms grabbed Duane and pulled him outside as he screamed. "Ahhhhhhhh! Help me! Help me!" I pulled the knife out my boot and ran out the front door. Squinting as the sun hit my eyes. I looked down to see a corpse on top of Duane, chomping inches away from his face. "Hey!" I yelled trying to get its attention. It backed off a bit and turned to face me. "Yeah, thats right you son of a bitch. Come here..." I looked as Duane managed to escape from its grasp and ran inside. Another corpse walked out from behind the hedges. The noise was attracting them. I turned and called out, "Lock that door Duane. Don't open it until I'm done out here." I heard the door close behind me. Okay, this isn't too bad. I can definitely take these two down. I reassured myself as I held my knife in front of me.
I stepped back as one of them stumbled towards me. It growled with hunger, it was starving for my flesh. I ran up to it and kicked its knees in. Stabbing it in the head as it fell onto the grass. I quickly faced the other corpse as it walked towards me, tripping over its own feet. I walked up to it and stomped its head in. Easy as pie.
I turned around to find myself facing another walking corpse, a fat one. I screamed out in surprise as it lunged towards me, dropping me to the floor. My head hit the ground hard, I stuck my arms out pushing against its rotting chest. I opened my eyes, everything looked blurry from hitting my head so hard. I blinked and blinked until things started getting clearer. I could see the walkers mouth opening and closing in front of my face. I turned my head to the right and saw my knife. I reached for it, anxiously. Urghhhhhhhhh. It was barely touching the tips of my fingers. I couldn't reach it, the only way to reach it was if the walker got closer to me. How close is too close?!
I couldn't help but think to myself... This is it. I'm going to die.

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