Let Me Go

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My eyes burned from crying last night. I had just woken up from a small nap. I hadn't slept since the RV. I knew it wasn't smart to continue on while I was all sleep-deprived but I wanted to make sure I got there in time. I looked down making sure there weren't any walkers around before I climbed down off this tree. I learned it was best to sleep in trees before I met Morgan. I hadn't had to sleep in a tree since then. I grunted as I got to the lowest branch and jumped to the ground. I was making my way back to the city, back to the radio, and possibly back for Merle. I need the radio so I could get in touch with Morgan, I need to know if he's okay. I wasn't exactly sure why I was going back for Merle, it just felt wrong not to. The guns would come in handy with Merle. He's sure as hell going to be pissed so the guns will work in my favor.

I walked for several more miles, my calves were burning like hell. My back was aching and I had a tremendous headache from not sleeping or eating. I neared the city I wasn't too sure where to go from there. I  walked to the fence nearby. There was a building on the other side of the fence, it was tall and looked pretty empty. I climbed the fence with what little energy I had. The door to the building was broken in half. I looked around for something to throw, I picked up a rusty door handle that was in in the dirt. Must have been part of the door. I threw it into the building just to see if there were any walkers inside. Bastards would run towards any noise they heard. Sure enough I heard a low moan, it intensified as the body it belonged to walked up to the door and caught a glimpse of me. I pulled out my knife and raised my arms in front of me, bracing myself as a rotten corpse stumbled towards me. It tripped over some debris on the floor. "Come here you son of a bitch..." I made my way to it as quick as I could before it stood up. It grabbed my ankle and dropped me on the floor, I sighed and struggled to stand up. It was chewing on my boot, I kicked its face repeatedly trying to push it away from me but I was so exhausted. I had little energy left in me. It went to chew on my boot once more, I grunted as I stuck my blade in its forehead. Its body went limp in a matter of seconds.

I was about to get up when I saw two more walkers inside the building coming towards the door.  "Shit." I looked down at the walker at my feet and pulled the knife out of its forehead. I stuck the knife into its bloated belly and cut it open down the middle. I didn't even hesitate to grab its intestines and whatever muck was inside of it. I quickly rubbed it all over my clothes, my arms, and my legs. I looked up to see the walkers bumping into each other, both bumping each other as they tried to walk through the door. They hadn't seen me yet. I covered whatever else I could as they made their way through the door and towards me. I laid down on the floor and stayed as still as I could. One of the walkers passed by without tripping on anything, the second one tripped over the debris as well. Landing right next to me. Its face was inches away and it was chomping its brown stained teeth as it slowly crawled forward. I held my breathe, trying not to call any attention to myself. Eventually they walked off into the city.

I laid there for a few minutes trying to catch my breathe before I pulled myself up and went inside the building. I cautiously made my way up to the top of the building. I needed to get a better look of where I was to see if I was anywhere close to where Rick and I came into town. I saw some buildings that looked similar to the ones we where at before. As I was looking out at the city I started to notice the odor from the walkers guts that were all over me. I started puking uncontrollably, since I had not had anything to eat for a while I was puking out stomach acid. Which was horrible and made me throw up even more. I leaned against the wall trying to catch my breathe. "Why am I doing this...", I asked myself out loud. Then I remembered Morgan and Duane. If I didn't reach them before they got to the city they would be goners. I started making my way towards the street where the guns were dropped, it took me about 15 minutes. As I got closer to the street I heard a shout. I froze in my tracks, someone shouted again. Could it be Merle? I ran towards the noise, it was coming out of an alley.

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