God Forgive Us

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First of all, I want to say thank you to everyone for all the kind messages/comments. It really means so much to me. I understand many people want me to update a lot more often, believe me guys I try my best. I will have more time in 2 weeks because that's when us college students finish finals and get winter break. So thank you all for being so patient, and thank you to all my supporters. You guys are so amazing. Well, I guess that's all I have to say for now. Have an amazing day you beautiful beings. Love you all so much. :D (By the way, I changed my username. It was Kjaime34 but I have changed it to Erulastiel34 now. Oh and Remember, my contest ends this Monday.)

-Erulastiel34 (Sam) <3


As I finish getting dressed I walk outside to find Rick handing Morgan a radio. "You've got one battery. I'll turn mine on a few minutes every day at dawn. You get up there, that's how you'll find me." Rick says as he shows Morgan how to turn it on. Morgan grabs it and says, "You think ahead." I walk towards them, "Can't afford not to, right?" I look at Rick. He looks away. Okay, awkward. Rick walks with Morgan towards the car. Morgan turns around to give him one last piece of advice, "One more thing friend. They may not seem like much one at a time but in a group all riled up, hungry and whatnot-- Man, you watch your ass." Rick nods, appreciating the advice. "You too." Morgan shakes his hand, "You're a good man Rick. I hope you find your family." Rick smiles, "Thank you." He looks over at Duane. "Be seeing you, Duane. I'm sure Carl would love to meet you. Take care of your old man--" Just then we hear growling behind us, we see one walker in a police uniform walking towards us. I grab my knife from my belt. I'm about to go kill the walker when Rick walks past me. "Leon Basset? Didn't think much of him. Careless, dumb... can't leave him like this." Morgan holds Duane tight, "You know they'll hear the shot." Rick grabs his gun and walks closer towards the walker, "Let's not be here when they show up."

Morgan turns to walk towards his car pulling Duane with him, "Let's go son. Come on" I look over at Rick, "It was nice meeting you." He looks over his shoulder, "Same." I jog over to Morgan as he's putting the bag of guns that Rick gave him in the passenger seat. I open the backdoor, "Guess I'm sitting back here with you Duane." I say with a smile. I start to get in the car when I feel Morgan grab my arm. "What do you think you're doing?" He asks me. I look at him with a confused look on my face, "What do you mean?" He takes a deep breathe, "You're not coming with us Ellie." My throat starts to tighten up. "Morgan..." My voice trails off. Morgan looks at the ground then looks back up at me. "You.. YOU PUT MY SON IN DANGER. MY SON ELLIE. I already lost my wife, I am not losing my son either. So the best thing for us both, would be for you to stay away from us." I could not believe my ears. Was this really happening? "Morgan please, I can help you keep Duane safe." I looked at him, tears building up in my eyes. *BAM* We heard Ricks gun go off, startling us both. Morgan walked over and got into the drivers seat. I watched as he turned the car on and drove off.

I stood there. Not sure what to think or feel. Not sure what to do. I heard Ricks footsteps behind me, "Ellie? What's going on?" I didn't answer. I just stared straight ahead. Once again Rick called my name out, "Ellie. Why are you not with Morgan?" I looked at him and mumbled, "He thinks I'm a danger to him and his son." Rick looked surprised, "So he left you here?" He sighed. "Well okay come on, get in the car." I looked up at the sky. "Nah, it's alright Rick. You go ahead. Find your family. I'll figure something out for myself." Rick grabbed me by my shoulders and looked into my eyes, "Ellie listen to me. Who knows how many walkers heard that gunshot. That means we need to get out of here NOW." I just stared at him. "Ellie, please. Lets go. Look, you can go with me at least until we find my wife and son. Then you can choose where to go from there... but I need you to come with me, please."

I don't know what it was. Perhaps it was because Rick Grimes just said he needed me...but I snapped out of it and I got in the car with him. We drove off, eventually coming to a stop. Rick got out of the car. I watched him walk off down this path. He looked like he was looking for something. I waited in the car for about 10 minutes. I started to get worried and just when I was about to get out of the car to go look for him I saw his sheriffs hat as he walked over to me. He got into the car, I looked over at him. "Everything okay?" He gave me a small smile, "It will be once I find my family." I rested my forehead on the window and closed my eyes as we drove towards Atlanta. I dosed off as I heard Rick talking into the cars walkie talkie only to be awakened later on by Rick.

"Ellie, wake up." He said as he shook me. I rubbed my eyes as I looked around. "What happened?" He started to grab his bags, "Car's out of gas. Looks like we're walking." I sighed, "Great." We walked until we stumbled upon this small white house. Rick walked up, knocking on the door. He wanted to borrow some gas. I watched as he made his way from window to window, his face turning into disbelief. "Rick?" I called out. He waved his hand at me, he couldn't even speak. I started to walk towards him, "Rick what is it?" He covered his mouth before saying, "Ellie, no stay there. Please." I nodded my head even though I knew he couldn't see me. He walked off the porch and onto the stone table that was on the front lawn. He put his head between both his legs. I wanted to comfort him, to be there for him. But after what happened in the locker room maybe it was best to keep my distance. After all, he is a married man. I snap out of my thoughts as Rick jumps up and walks over to a truck that is just sitting there. "No keys." He calls out to me. As he's walking back over to me we hear a horse. We decide to go check it out. As we get close to the noise we see a light brown horse standing all by itself. I chuckle as I hand Rick a rope that is laying near by, "Do your thing cowboy." He smiles at me, "Alright, watch this." I was surprised at how fast Rick was able to mount the horse. I was also surprised at the fact that I didn't notice there was only one horse. Meaning, I was going to have to ride the horse with Rick.

Well this is definitely not keeping my distance. I thought to myself as I sat behind Rick and had my arms wrapped around him. The horse started walking, Rick looks over his shoulder and says, "I haven't done this for years." I was about to come up with a quirky response when the horse suddenly takes off running. I was surprised at first but then it suddenly became so funny to me. I could not stop laughing and I could hear Rick speaking to the horse, "Easy. Easy. Wooooooah. Whoa. Easy." We rode for a while, Rick would constantly ask if I was comfortable. I thought it was cute but I knew that to him it was just a friendly concern. Every now and again I would have to stop and stretch since I was carrying the bag of guns and the constant movement was making my back ache. Once we reached Atlanta I was both relieved and nervous. Relieved because we hadn't ran into any trouble on our way here, and nervous because who knew what awaited us inside the city.

As we entered the city, it was very quiet. There was no movement, no noise. The only noise was the sound of the horses hoofs on the pavement. Everything looked deserted. Suddenly the horse whinnied and jumped away from a nearby vehicle. I looked over as we saw a few walkers walking towards us. I was about to get off to kill them when Rick says, "No. It's just a few of them. Nothing we can't outrun." I responded with a simple, "Okay." I am in complete awe as we ride deeper into the city. There were military vehicles everywhere. Everything was abandoned. Out of nowhere we hear what seems to be a helicopter, Rick looks around everywhere. From out of nowhere Rick says, "Hyah." No warning whatsoever, the horse starts to run. I hold on tighter to him to keep me from falling off the back. I'm trying to keep my balance when the horse comes to a sudden stop, I fall off the back. I hear Rick shout my name, "ELLIE!" I look up to see hundreds of walkers bunched up together on one street. I stand up as fast as I can and start running, "Rick go!" He takes off on the horse, I immediately start looking around for an open store, alley, an exit, anything. My eyes lay upon an alley as I got closer I noticed it was clear of walkers. I turned to look for Rick before heading in, I gasped as I saw him and the horse go down. "Nooooo!" I started to run towards him when I felt someone or something grab me and pull me back into the alley. I started kicking and trying to reach for my knife. "Stop! Hey, Listen." The voice demanded. I turned to see a young Asian guy wearing a baseball cap. He pulled me towards a ladder in the alley. "Come on, hurry." He said as he started to climb up. I was planning on going back until a few walkers made their way into the alley.

Once we reached the top I immediately ran over to the side of the building, looking around for Rick. I groaned as I saw the horse being torn to pieces. The Asian guy walked up to me. He stared at me and reached his hand out, "I'm Glenn." I shook his hand, "Ellie." I immediately returned to look for any sign of Rick. Glenn stood beside me as he stared into the crowd of walkers eating the poor horse. "Listen we should probably head out of here. My group is nearby--" I interrupted him, "I am not leaving without Rick." He looked at me confused, "Who? Was there someone else with you?" I nod my head. "I don't see a sign of your pal anywhere. He might be--" *Boom* A gunshot goes off. I jump up and point at the tank as I see Ricks head pop out, "There! There he is!" Glenn pulls out a radio. He waits for a bit, like if he's debating whether it's worth helping Rick or not. "What are you waiting for?" I exclaim. He takes a deep breathe, and speaks into the radio, "Hey you. Dumbass. Yeah you in the tank. Are you cozy in there?" I bite my lip as I anxiously wait for a reply. Come on Rick, please respond...

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