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Just keep going like crazy and look back when it's over. Otherwise you just get confused. ~Cliff Burton

A/N: I finally found out these are called Epigraphs by the way. =3


I kept my eye on Michael though. Samantha was great, although he did not seem too happy to me.

Luke's POV

"It's not on that screen." I said to Michael as I watched him try to take an order. We were backed up three cars and he was taking too long. I could tell by the little clock ticking on the screen. The whole 'Fast-Food' business was really not up his alley. But I stood and watched patiently - or as patient as I got. I could never say I was really patient.

"Uh.." Michael muttered as he looked around the screen.

"It's under drinks." I said, as I picked at my nails. He was just trying to get them a lemon-lime soda. But for some reason he had no idea how to do it. I let out a sigh, reached over and punched it in. Along with the rest of the order that the customer rambled off.

"How did you remember all of that?" Michael asked as we watched the car pull around the building.

"After practice." I said. "I've been here a while. Why don't you do money for a little bit, you look like you're struggling." I traded places with Michael and he opened the window. I felt a breeze rush in and almost wanted him to close it. I was freezing.

"Hey Luke," I felt someone slap their hand on my back and turned to see Ava smiling behind me. "Who's the new kid?" Ava was a tall brunette, and was very assertive but extremely nice. Despite how controversial those two traits might be.

"This is Michael," I gestured to the kid on my left. "Michael, this is Ava. Ava is one of the grill hands. Michael is new here. He's working on taking orders."

"Nice." Ava smiled. "Welcome to The Aces, kid. You were lucky you get to train with Luke, so try not to give him too hard of a time."

"Oh I will." Michael smiled and it caused Ava to laugh. I almost wanted to spit on him and Ava.

"Well I better get to work before you-know-who sees me." Ava snickered as she walked back over into the kitchen. Michael turned to me and cocked his head to the side.

"Now I finally understand why I got scheduled almost every day this week." I rolled my eyes. "I have to be doing things with you."

"Well you don't have to be a little brat about it." Michael rolled his eyes.

"You know nothing about anything." I groaned. "I don't normally train people - this is why. I don't have any patience."

While rubbing my face I glanced over to Michael to notice it appeared as if he was going to start crying. His eyes were welled up with tears. He held his fists tightly to his side and was glaring strongly at me.

I was a little shocked, and I really did not know how to react to it. Was he going to cry or was he going to punch me in the face?

"Take it easy." I said as I turned back to the screen in front of me. I pretended to be doing things, in order to get Michael to wipe that look of his face - and it did. In fact, he disappeared altogether. When I looked back, he was gone.

I let out a sigh, my first time training and I lost the trainee.

"Screw my life." I sighed to myself as I walked towards the back and grabbed a rag to wash dishes. While I was doing it I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning around I saw Michael standing there with a smile.

"And where did you run off to, cupcake?" I asked as I continued washing dishes.

"No where's." Michael shrugged as he leaned against the sink. I extended my rag to him but he shook his head. "I don't want to get wet."

"Well you have to do it eventually." I replied. "You have to wash dishes - it's nonnegotiable. Everyone does it. Do you wash dishes at home ever?"

"Um..No?" Michael said, he gave a confused look. Did he not know that people actually washed dishes for themselves? I felt as if now I had figured Michael out; he was a snotty little rich boy with two maids and a mother that did everything for him.

So there the real question remained. "Why did you even consider working?"

"Samantha said I might like it." Michael shrugged. "Although, if I have to keep working with you I don't know how much I will like it anymore."

"Then quit." I replied. Everything about my voice was a monotone. I really did not want to be dealing with this kid. And just my luck, someone ducked their head in the room and yelled my name. I turned to see one of the managers standing there.

"When you're all done that, I have this list of tasks for you to complete." She smiled as she wandered over to me.

"Hand it to him, my hands are wet." I said and she nodded and left.

"I don't want to do it." Michael groaned as he looked at the list.

"I never said you had to." I sighed. This kid's act was getting really old, really quite fast. "I was just asking you to hold it, idiot."

Michael seemed slightly shocked by my words and said nothing. I was known for being quite the rude and obscene person. You either loved me or you hated me. And if it was the first, well then you were a miracle worker. Because I was a bit of a jerk. I knew this, and frankly I really never cared. I liked being mean because it meant you never had to feel the guilt of being nice.

If that was the way it was going to be, well then I would never have it any other way - or even change my way of thinking.


So this is the first chapter of The Mess and I hope that you like it so far because it isn't really the same as all my other books because I usually switch the roles. Make Michael a jerk and Luke a little fluffy kitten. So this is a bit of a switch. Lol.

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX

The Mess {Muke}Where stories live. Discover now