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Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. ~Confucius

Luke's POV

We, were busy. That's a simple way to put it. We usually weren't very busy during these times but it seemed as if it was never ending. I was jumping between drive thru to front counter like nobody's business

Michael was doing his best to stay sane, and I was grateful for that. I really did not want to deal with a crying trainee like I had in the past.

Matthew and I worked together to delegate tasks and together we worked together like a well oiled machine.

By around seven o'clock, everything had wound down. But that never meant you were done, in fact you still had work to do.

You had to restock and clean. I handed Michael a bottle of liquid and a towel. Told him to go wipe down towels before walking around and talking to Rosa and Matthew. There were a couple more people here, but we sent them to the back.

"Well he didn't necessarily flop on us." Matthew noted. We nodded in agreement. "Nice work Luke."

"For what?" I replied.

"Obviously you're doing something right." Matthew shrugged. "Keep it up and you might be manager one day."

"Yeah cause that's my life goal." I snickered and heard the two laugh along with me.

"Ah Luke, you're my favorite." Rosa smiled. We walked around doing small tasks when I noticed another girl who worked here named Caitlyn. She smiled at me as I walked to the counter.

"Hey Cait." I greeted with a smile. "You look nice today."

"Thank you, Luke." She smiled, although she almost looked as if she was angry underneath that smile. I took her order - it was rather large which I was slightly surprised about.

I put it together on a tray and handed it to her, just as Michael walked around the counter.

She looked at the milkshake in her hand and smiled.

"Mind if I check to make sure everything was made right?" She asked as I shook my head. She opened all of the little cardboard boxes and smiled. "Alright I have something for you."

"Oh?" I raised my eyebrows as she reached in her purse and all of a sudden there was a uniform hitting me in the face. I looked down at it to see a steaming Caitlyn. "I quit!" She yelled and took most of her food and threw it at me before Matthew intervened and showed her out of the restaurant.

"Oh Luke!" Rosa gasped as she walked over to her. I was smeared in the unknown and all I could smell was the milkshake on me. "S-Samantha!"

"I feel gross." I grumbled.

Rosa did her best to wipe me down with napkins as Matthew continued shoving Caitlyn out of the restaurant. Michael was wide eyed beside me.

Samantha raced out to the front and when she saw me she gasped and began rambling off questions.

"Caitlyn happened." I sighed. "She quit."

"S-She..?" Samantha went wide eyed before groaning. "Come with me Luke, I have an extra uniform in the back for you."

"Thanks." I sighed. I walked into the back with Samantha as she handed me the clothes. "You look stressed."

"Well..Caitlyn was supposed to come in and I would be sure it's fine but you're all leaving at the same time and so there would be no one up there." Samantha sighed. "So now I have to find someone that can at least be here until like ten-thirty."

"I can do it Samantha." I sighed.

"No Luke it's a school night - "

"It's fine, you need me and I'm here anyways. Might as well." I said and Samantha smiled.

"Well you can keep Michael here then I suppose. After all, he would have been waiting for me to drive him home anyways." Samantha smiled and I nodded my head before walking into the employee restrooms and changing. When I walked back out an elderly couple approached me.

"We feel deeply sorry about what happened to you." The woman said. "But you handled it quite like an adult."

"I think I was too shocked to react." I laughed lightly. Most of the older folk who came in here were really nice - and regulars.

We laughed for a moment before they left and I turned to Michael. "We're working until ten-thirty." I said and Michael nodded.

"You look completely unfazed." Michael said quietly.

"No I'm steaming with rage." I huffed. "This is really stupid and Caitlyn needs to act like an adult, but it's best to act like I'm not angry at all."

"Hm.." Michael spoke. "I see."

"Plus, worse things could have happened." I shrugged. "I mean at least it was just my clothes and not all over my hair."

"Oh yeah cause that's important." Rosa laughed from near the window. I stuck my tongue out at her and she looked around before flipping me off.

"Rosa!" I gasped. "How rude!"

I heard Michael snickering behind me and thought to mess with him a little bit. So I turned and glared. "And what are you laughing at?"

"Um nothing!" Michael squeaked.

"Better be nothing." I scoffed as I turned and wiped down the counter.

Michael seemed pretty shocked by my outburst. "S-Sorry.."

"I was messing with you." I replied. "Come here. I'll teach you about drinks since we'll be here a while."

So a few grueling hours later we were allowed to leave. I made my way towards the door and saw Michael plop down at a table. "You're not going to leave?"

"I'll just wait another hour for Samantha." Michael yawned and covered his mouth.

"I can drive you home." I shrugged. "You're on the way."

"How do you know that?" Michael asked.

"Samantha gave me rides home a lot when I first started working. She pointed out her house every time." I shrugged. "Come on. It's really not a big deal."

Michael nodded and followed me out to my car. It was a pretty nice car, it only lacked a radio which I had managed to break about a month ago and was still working on replacing it.

I climbed in and rubbed my eyes as I let out a yawn. Honestly driving this tired was probably a bad idea, but I did not have any other choice.

The ride was in silence, Michael leaned back in his seat and I was pretty sure he fell asleep. When we reached his house, however he seemed wide awake as he went to climb out.

"Why don't you come inside?" Michael asked.

"No, I'm tired I should get home." I said, it's true. I felt like I was about to fall asleep.

"I-I know. You shouldn't drive home, you're going to get yourself hurt." Michael said. He did not move an inch as I said nothing. "I'm sure Samantha would be really upset if you got hurt. So just come on."

I let out a sigh and turned off my car - after all. I did not want to die today.


Yay chapter. gUYS ITS ALMOST HALLOWEEN. So here's the situation. I am going to start a book of "Seasonal" One-shots! So I can make some on Halloween. Lol. But I'll probably have that up tomorrow. And then when Christmas and other holidays roll around I'll do some more! Also since they're seasonal there will be fall/spring/winter/summer ones as well =3 Good idea, or nah? For this though I don't really mind if it isn't read.

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX

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