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Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud. ~Maya Angelou

Michael's POV

I arrived at the lunch table and sat down on the right of Ava who had an unamused look on her face. "What did I do?" I immediately asked. Ashton and Calum were sitting across from me along with a few other people, all that was missing was Luke. 

"Nothing, Luke just got in major trouble." Ava groaned. "I thought we were past this." 

"He get in a fight?" Ashton asked, as if the whole idea was casual. "I heard that something went down in Luke's class, I saw Allan and he did not look pretty, nor did he feel cool." 

"He probably feels like a damned fool." Ava sighed. 

"Well at least we know Luke won." Calum chuckled. "What's his punishment?" 

"Apparently he's getting suspended, that's what Mrs. Henry thinks anyways. She thinks Headmaster Ryan might call his parents. They'll rip him a new one.." Ava sighed. "It's so not worth it." 

"Michael looks really clueless." Calum pointed out. It was true I was, I just did not want it to be pointed out.

"Luke got into fights a lot. That's how he earned his reputation. People really loved it." Ava explained. "He hasn't gotten into any since our first year at this school. Something must have happened for him to lose it. After all, it does not sound like the fight went well for Allan." 

"Speak of the devil he just walked in." Ashton said. We all turned towards the door and could see Luke talking to a girl, she was smiling and laughing and Luke even looked somewhat pleased before he sat down next to me, he kissed my cheek and I almost wanted to slap him. 

"So what's going on?" Ashton asked. "What did you do?" 

"Allan wanted to test me, I put him back in his place." Luke scoffed as if it was nothing. "I'm not a person to mess with, he should know that." 

"Luke, you can't just fight people - " 

"Yeah thanks Headmaster Clifford." Luke cut me off and shook his head. I let out a huff of annoyance and rolled my eyes.

"Allan made himself look like a fool and I did his makeup for him." Luke smiled.

"That makes no sense." Calum shook his head.

"Allan testing Luke made Allan look like a fool," Ava clarified. "The damage done to his face is the makeup." 

"Oh, get it." Calum smiled and nodded. "Nice." 

"Anyways," Luke sighed, shaking his head. "Headmaster Ryan let me off. If it happens again he might not. I got out like a bandit." 

"Well what's your punishment?" Ava asked.

"I have detention and in school suspension every day this week." Luke explained and my eyes grew wide. "That's a lot better than the alternative." 

"What's the alternative?" I asked.

"He calls my parents and tells them what happened, honestly that's a story I don't want my parents hearing about." Luke shook his head and held a grim look on his face. As almost as if he feared their reaction. 

"What happened?" Ava asked.

"Allan walks up to me, tests me, calls me a faggot, threatens me - or Michael I guess - and I lose it." Luke explained and I felt my eyes grow wide.

"W-What did you say? He threatens me?" I asked.

"Run while you can, Clifford." Ashton chuckled, he had a look on his face like he was serious. But no one took him that way except for me. 

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