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Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning. ~Albert Einstein 

Luke's POV

I was out of breath when I reached Michael's house, it was late at night but I really did not care, I just banged on the door. A few moments later, Samantha opened the door. "Luke, what are you doing here? Is everything alright? Come in, you're out of breath." 

I ran in the house, kicking off my shoes before racing up the stairs to where Michael's room was. Samantha was all but confused as she called my name, but when I opened the door to Michael's room, I went wide eyed and my heart felt like it stopped. 

**The Next Section Contains Harsh Images; Viewer Discretion is Advised**

There was smears of blood on the floor and it all lead to Michael, laying in a ball in the corner. I felt my hands shaking, and my breathing escalate. "Luke what's - " I stopped Samantha from coming in and shook my head. "What's going on?" 

"Please don't go in there." I mumbled. "Let me take care of it." 

Samantha looked me up and down and nodded, I was glad she trusted me. I walked in the room and closed the door, walking around the blood smear and crouching beside Michael, shaking his body gently. I swallowed my fear and pulled his arm out. Nothing seemed all that deep, but his eyes were shut and his lips were parted. I choked down my tears and placed a finger under his nose. When I felt breath still coming out of it, I pulled it away.

"M-Michael..?" I mumbled as shook his body gently. My hands were shaking and I wiped the tears from my eyes. "Mikey..?" I took a step back and walked out of the room, heading into the bathroom and wetting a cloth along with grabbing several bandages. 

I walked into Michael's room again and gently dabbed his arm, then placing bandages across his arm. I wiped my tears away as I lifted his body and wiped the blood off of his face and neck before peeling off his shirt and picking him up, placing him in his bed. I then turned and wiped off the floor before tossing it in a dirty hamper. 

**You May Resume**

I walked across the floor, but when I looked at Michael I could see he was sitting up and his eyes were open and he was watching my every move. I almost screamed, but it came out more of a gasp. However, there was a look about him that was angry, rather than anything else.

"Mi - "

"What are you doing here?" He hissed at me. 

"Just let me - "

"Who let you in?!" He snapped. 

"Michael just li - "

"You think you can say that and just show up like nothing's the matter!?"

"L-Listen to me!" I huffed. 

"Why should I listen to you?" He snarled. 

"Because it's important." I said. He did not say anything else, only waited. "I-I didn't send that.."

"Right." He rolled his eyes. "If you didn't like me you should have said so in the first place." 

"My mother took my phone and sent it and then she smashed my phone." I said quietly. "She did and then left, she emptied all the gas in my car; Michael I ran all the way here because I was scared for you." I felt my eyes filling with tears and Michael went wide eyed. "Why do you do this to yourself? I'm really having a hard time understand why you would hurt yourself the way you do? Why do you just turn to that when something doesn't work out." 

Michael paused for a moment. "Luke, you don't want to hear the answer." 

I slid onto the edge of Michael's bed, taking his hand. "Of course I do, why wouldn't I?" 

"Because you won't understand." Michael huffed, pulling my hand back.

"I understand more than you think." I said, I moved closer to Michael and wrapped my arms around his waist, kissing his cheek. 

"I just hope that it will be over, maybe I'll get lucky and when I pass out my eyes won't open up again." Michael said, his voice was quiet and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Well I'm here now, so you can't leave." I rested my head onto Michael's shoulder. "Just trust me, just a little." Michael leaned back into my embrace and I smiled to myself. 

"Wait a second.." Michael sat up and turned to me. "You ran here!?" 

"Yeah, that's what I said." I nodded. "I thought I was going to collapse by the time I reached your house." 

"That's a long run, are you tired, do you want a drink?" Michael asked as he began to stand up and I laughed, pulling him back down to me. 

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I smiled. 

"How are you going to get back to your house?" Michael asked. 

"I'll probably just walk back." I shrugged my shoulders. 

"D-Do..Do you just want to stay h-here?" Michael asked, his face turning red.

"I don't think Samantha would - " I stopped when Michael stood up, slid on a shirt and left the room. He was gone for a few moments before walking back in the room and sitting down. "What did you do?"

"Samantha said you can stay." Michael smiled. "She said she didn't want you walking around in the dark."

"But what about my uniform?" I asked. "I have to go to school tomorrow." 

"No you don't. Just stay here with me." Michael suggested. I thought it over, I had never just stayed home from school, in the end I always convinced myself to go. 

"But they're going to call my parents and - " 

"We can just have Samantha call you out, I'm sure she would." Michael said. "Don't look like you're committing arson Luke." 


Michael laughed. "You look so panicked! Here, just forget about it for now and lay down with me." 

"I-I don't know, I probably smell really gross.." I muttered.

"What? You smell like your normal self." Michael rolled his eyes.

"What if that's a bad smell!" 

"It's not!" Michael continued to laugh. "Calm down, Luke." I let out a huff but Michael laid down and patted the space next to him. 

"Did Samantha really - "

"Luke!" Michael groaned. "Come on, please? I'll love you forever." 

"Fine - Wait what did you say?" I was wide eyed as I turned to him. 

"I'm telling you to come lay with me." Michael groaned. Ignoring my previous question. "I'm tired and you probably are too, so come on." 

I laid down in Michael's open arms and held my face close to his before pecking his lips. "Goodnight Mikey." 

"Stop calling me that!" Michael groaned. "I'll start calling you Lukey." 

"Okay." I shrugged.

"It doesn't bother you?" Michael asked.

"Not at all. Call me whatever you want." 


"Except for that." I laughed. "Goodnight Michael." 

"Night." Michael kissed the top of my head and I felt as if he had said something into my hair, but I chose not to question it. After all, I never wanted to be anywhere else except for here. 


Ah this is like resolutions in music. I've been working a lot on writings lately, and yet I don't know how to end this book. I'm just kind of going for it. 

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX

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