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Who knows what true loneliness is - not the conventional word but the naked terror? To the lonely themselves it wears a mask. The most miserable outcast hugs some memory or some illusion. ~Joseph Conrad

Luke's POV

I melted into it. But now I sit at my desk, paying no attention to the droning of my teacher. 

I was more than shocked, I had no idea what to do. My stomach twisted and I thought I was going to be sick at first, but it never came. The feeling was unfamiliar, and I had no idea what to do. I found my eyes shut and my hands around Michael's face, and just like that he pulled back and pushed me backwards. 

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I-I didn't mean to do that." Michael muttered. I stood more than shocked. "I was just..Oh my gosh, I don't know. I'm so sorry, I did not have any intentions to do that. I just.." Michael trailed off, and I stood silent. "It must have just been one of those in the moment things." 

"Y-Yeah." I replied quietly. 

"I-I didn't really mean anything by it!" Michael smiled nervously. 

"Right right, of course." I chuckled awkwardly. "I-I'll just go, yeah?" 

"Um. Right. See you at work." Michael nodded and walked through the door leading inside. 

"Luke!" My teacher snapped at me, and I turned my head to her. "Are you paying attention?" 

"Honestly? No." I shook my head, the students continued to love it. "Sorry, I'll make more of an effort to pay attention."

The teacher said nothing else, but went back to writing on the board. I never made more attempts though, instead I left immediately when the bell rang and walked to my locker. Looking around me as if someone was going to jump out at me. 

I felt someone tug on my arm and could see myself face-to-face with Ashton. "Are you alright?" 


Ashton looked around and dropped his voice to a whisper. "You were acting super aggressive this morning, and now you look as if you're hiding from someone." 

"Ashton, he kissed me." I whispered. 

"What?" Ashton went wide eyed. "Who?" 

"Michael." I mouthed and Ashton's jaw dropped. "Stop looking like that," I sighed as I pushed his mouth back up. 

"What did you do?" Ashton smiled, as if every detail was juicy. He looked around and noticed that people were glancing in our direction. "Here, let's go to my house. You're too popular and everyone is looking at you." Ashton and I walked down the hallway and outside to my car, the moment the doors shut he let out a squeal. "Tell me everything!" 

"We were on the roof, and we were arguing and then he kissed me. Ashton a boy kissed me!" I huffed as I leaned back in my seat. Throwing my head back. 

"What did you do?" Ashton repeated his question. I let out a groan as I covered my face. "Luke, were you super mean about it?" 

"No, I kissed him back!" I yelled as I turned to Ashton who went wide eyed. "Oh my gosh what do I do now. I have to work with him." 

"You're so gay!" Ashton suddenly began to laugh hysterically.

"What?" I turned to him with wide eyes. "I-I am not!" 

"You are too! You kissed Michael!" Ashton smiled wide, as he slapped my arms. "How was it Luke?" 

"It doesn't matter, he said it didn't mean anything anyways.." I muttered and pulled my keys out of my pocket as to get out of my parking spot. 

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