Epilogue; Unity

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Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall. ~Ray Bradbury 

Luke's POV

**Sixteen more Years Later; Total of Twenty**

This Chapter will Contain Somewhat Triggering Scenes. 

I got the call, I heard it loud and clear. I was racing home on the interstate, Michael called me. Saying that I needed to be home and that he got a call from the school. That he got a call about Atlas, our currently sixteen year old daughter that we adopted when she was two.

I thought she might have gotten into a fight, much like I did when I was her age and much like her younger brother Wesley. I tried my very best to make sure that they were raised well, that they were happy, that they got along well at school. Sometimes though, even that seemed not to be enough and they had to make certain decisions for themselves.

Although, the way Michael sounded when he told me to come home was rather panicked. That scared me altogether. 

I pulled into the driveway at our house and climbed out. Adjusting the watch on my wrist as I walked up the steps and could see Michael sitting in the living room with Atlas. I walked in and could see her blonde hair covering half of her face as her arms were folded tightly across her chest.

"What's going on?" I asked as I sat down on the couch next to Atlas, Michael's eyes refused to meet mine as he let out a sigh.

"I got a call from the school nurse today." Michael said. "You know, Atlas went down because she cut her finger in class and the teacher made her go and get a bandage. And while she was in there, the nurse found out something else, Atlas would you like to tell him."

"I don't want to have this talk at all, okay!?" Atlas snapped. "I just want to go upstairs and forget about the entire thing." 

"We can't just ignore this!" Michael sighed. "Atlas I understand - "

"No you don't!" Atlas yelled at Michael. He went wide eyed. "You say you do but you have no idea!" 

"Atlas," I said warningly. "It's okay to rebuttal against what he's saying but you have to give him the courtesy of finishing his own sentence." 

"Fine." Atlas huffed.

"I know what it's like to be in your position I was in the same place too." Michael began. "But I can't help you if you don't let me, and if I can't help you, I've failed you as a parent." 

"Will someone tell me what happened?" I sighed.

"I cut, alright!?" Atlas snapped and I went wide eyed as she looked away from me. "It was only supposed to be a one time thing.." She said quietly. "But one thing lead to another and well..This happened.." She extended her arms out and I could see the dozens upon dozens of lines that covered them. 

I went wide eyed and looked at Michael as Atlas folded her arms again. "Why do you..Uh.. Why do you do this?" I asked.

"Everyone at school hates me." Atlas muttered. "They all like to give me hell for the fact that I'm adopted and not to mention, by a gay couple." 

"Oh my gosh.. Really?" I sat wide eyed. Never in my entire life did I think my daughter would be abusing herself and in the end to say that it was partially my fault. I turned my eyes to Michael and he refused to make eye contact with me. I had no idea what to do. 

"It's not your fault so don't take it like it is." Atlas sighed. "I love you both, and I know you love one another, it's not your fault that people aren't willing to accept something that they don't understand." I looked at her and could feel my heart breaking, I watched the tears begin to roll out of her eyes as she leaned onto my shoulder. "I just don't know what to do anymore."

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