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I just look around and say, I'm a mess. I don't know why I do things. ~Mike Tyson

Luke's POV

I was trying to count change but for some reason I could not think at all. At least the elderly women at the counter was patient with me. I looked up at her and she smiled. I handed her the change and apologized.

"It's alright, Luke." She commented. She was a regular, so of course she knew my name. It seemed it never took anyone long to figure out who I was. "Little tired, are we?"

"You know it." I replied. She laughed and walked off as I continued to take orders. Then I noticed Michael was standing behind me. Just standing there doing nothing, which is one of the most frustrating concepts when you're working.

"Michael, why don't you go make those drinks for Luke." Ava said as she set a hand on Michael's shoulder and walked away as I rubbed my face, Ava had a look of panic to her. After all, she had only been here thirty minutes, I had been here for two hours. "Do you need to sit down?"

"I can't just go take a break." I muttered as I began placing food on trays and handing it out to customers. Ava followed me every step of the way.

"Just like a thirty minute break, we can handle it while you're gone." Ava pleaded.

"Ava it's five o'clock. The dinner rush is coming." I scoffed and continued on with what I was doing. When I handed the old women the coffee she tried to convince me of what Ava was saying.

"Luke you go take a break!" Rosa yelled from the grill. "Or I'll tell Samantha how tired you are."

"Come on, she'll feel awful then." I sighed.

"Michael can handle front-counter, and I can intervene when necessary." Rosa said. She was one of the few that could work service and grill, I was thankful for it. "Go on now, go in the back and sleep or something."

"Rosa.." I whined.

"Luke, go on!" Rosa giggled and I walked off to the back room, when I reached the chair I plopped down in it. I laid my head on my arms, I did not feel like sleeping and instead I looked at my phone. It was blank but it instantly began to ring, I put it to my head and listened in.

"Luke!" Ashton's perky voice rang through. I let out a groan. "Hey I heard that!"

"What do you need?" I asked. "I'm apparently supposed to be taking a nap or something."

"I thought you were at work?"

"I am." I sighed. "If you thought I was at work why are you calling me?"

"Because I'm in the restaurant. You usually work front counter and I was wondering where you were. I saw Ava and Rosa though. And Michael too, but he seemed as if he did not know me at all." Ashton replied. "Ah well. I have my food."

"Ashton this has got to be the most pointless phone call ever." I groaned and laid my head on the table.

"Why are you so angry lately? You always seem on edge. What's the matter?" Ashton asked. "What has got you so stressed out?"

"I'm not stressed." I said quietly. "I'm just really cranky because I'm tired."

"Hm..You need a vacation, my friend!" Ashton replied.

"Yeah I'm way too damn busy for that." I sighed. "Look, I got to go before someone comes back here and sees me on my phone."

"Alright, alright. Bye!" Ashton hung up and I laid my head on the table. My phone slid out of my hand and I took deep slow breaths, but I almost pissed myself when I felt a hand on my back.

"What's the matter, Luke?" I heard one of the grill hands - Spencer - say behind me.

"I'm supposed to be napping or something." I rolled my eyes. "Oh I hate this job."

I heard Spencer laughing. "No you don't, you love it here and you know it." I laughed lightly myself and turned my head to Spencer. "Which is why you can't really be happy with a nap back here. Because you don't feel like yourself, you're a hard worker and you hate the idea of someone ruining the image of your beautiful restaurant."

"Thanks." I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "What's going on in your world, how's you and that uh..Elisa? Was that her name?"

Spencer laughed and ducked his head as he shook it. "We're good Luke, we're good." He raised his head back to me and flipped his brunette hair back. "How about you and your social life, I know you're a bit of a snappy fellow but for some reason all of the girls love you."

I laughed lightly and shook my head. I had no rebuttal for it, it was indeed true. "Well, whatever it is I better go back before Michael sets himself on fire."

"Oh come you have to have more faith in him than that." Spencer rolled his eyes and walked out of the room with me. But when I reached the front counter I knew I had a point before I watched ice cream explode all over the front of Michael. I stood there for a second and sighed as he blinked and wiped the ice cream off of his face.

"Oh my gosh.." I groaned as I ran my hand down my face. Ava was laughing hysterically behind me and I grabbed a rag and walked over to Michael before wiping off his face and chest. "I leave for ten minutes Michael and you - "

"I know, I know." Michael muttered. "I don't know what happened."

"I could give you a guess." I replied as I grimaced at Michael's now ice cream smeared shirt. "Michael you're a mess."

"I know Luke." Michael groaned. "Stop reminding me."

"You've only been working here for three days and you manage to cover yourself in ice cream. Nice, nice." I said.

"I guess we're both kind of messes." Michael shrugged.

"No, I got things thrown at me. You, my friend, managed to make ice cream explode onto you." I said. At this point I turned around and got the customer their ice cream, apologized for the wait and then looked back to Michael. Shaking my head slowly.


I'm sORRY for being gone for like ten years and even more sorry because this chapter sucks and is pretty much just filler. I'll update more now I promise!

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX

The Mess {Muke}Where stories live. Discover now