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Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. ~Barack Obama

Luke's POV

Did I just say that!? What am I thinking!? Why would I say that!? I was wide eyed as I swallowed hard. "I-I.." Michael waited for me to say something, for a moment I thought about lying. Saying I did not mean to say it. But then we would be stuck in a endless cycle. So I hushed my voice and continued. "I want to get to take you on dates and cuddle and watch movies. I want to fall asleep next to you and I want to make you laugh and do homework with you but we never get it done. I want to help you, I-I want to be with you.."

Michael never said anything, and I was worried that he was immediately going to turn me away, I could have turned myself away, but I never did. Instead I scooted a little closer and slowly leaned towards him, stopping right before I reached his lips, and he tilted his head up, closing the gap. There was the same feeling again, my stomach flipping all over the place. Michael's hands cupped my face as I used one of my arms to lean over him without hurting him, and my other one rested on his side, gently running up and down.

I could hear a car pull into the driveway and went wide eyed. Was someone here? So I pulled away from Michael and went towards the window. "I thought you said your parents were never home?"

I looked out the window and went wide eyed, I turned to Michael and gave a nervous smile. "So, um, Ashton just pulled in."

"What?" Michael went wide eyed and there was a knock on the door. We each looked panicked. I was sure we were thinking the same thing. Ashton would not have wanted to see Michael in my house, and if he even saw us touch one another I was sure he would flip.

"What do we do?" Michael asked. I stood him up off the couch and pushed him towards the stairs. "What are you - "

"Go upstairs, at the end of the hall on the right is my room. Go up there and just remain quiet. Okay?" I responded.

"You can't just hide me from Ashton forever." Michael rolled his eyes.

"I know, but go!" I whisper-shouted at him.

"Luke, open up. I know you're home." I heard Ashton say through the door. Michael wasted no time going up the stairs and I waited for the door to click shut before walking over and opening the front door for Ashton.

"What took you so long?" He asked as he entered the room with Calum. I swallowed hard. "How do you feel?"

"Fine, fine." I nodded my head slowly. "Um..W-What are you guys doing here?"

"Thought we would fetch you so you could come over and hang out with us." Calum smiled. "But.. Are you sure you're alright? You look deathly ill."

"What?" I responded and put my hand on my cheek. Calum tugged me and sat down on the couch. I sat, unaware of what do.

Then I heard a slam from upstairs. Ashton and Calum heard it too. "What was that? Is anyone home?" Ashton asked.

"M-My mother." I said, I felt sick for lying and Ashton did not look too convinced either.

"Huh, I didn't see her car in the driveway." Ashton responded.

"It's in the shop." I said quickly. Ashton still looked a little confused by it.

"Where did she get the money for that?" Ashton pressed on. I wanted him to shut up.

"She's been picking up an extra shift lately." I answered. "It had to be done."

"Luke you're an awful liar." Calum sighed. "What actually happened?"

"That is what happened.." I said quietly.

"Oh my gosh, did your mother lose her job?" Ashton asked. I shook my head. "Luke if that's what happened, then just admit it."

"That's not what happened." I snapped back. "She's a hard worker. They would never just fire her. She would have told me if they did."

"Then what's actually going on here?" Calum asked. "You're telling some lies, and I want to know why you even thought about lying in the first place. So what is going on?"

I let out a sigh. Leave it to me to be the worst liar. "Michael is upstairs."

"Seriously, Luke. Just tell us the truth." Ashton groaned.

"I-I am!" I snapped. "He's upstairs because I thought you would be upset if you knew he was here." There was a long and uncomfortable pause. Ashton blinked a few times before standing up off the couch and walking for the stairs. Calum and I exchanged nervous glances , but followed Ashton.

He walked slowly up the steps and we followed right behind him. Ashton stood in front of my door and sighed as he opened it. Looking in, I could see the window wide open, and not a soul in the room. "What..?" I mumbled as I walked I.

"Michael?" I asked as I walked towards the window and looked down and out it. "He popped the screen out, then went through the window."

"How very valiant." Ashton rolled his eyes. "Running away like a coward, smart. I would have punched him if I saw him in here."

"What?" I turned around. "Why on earth would you do that?"

"Because he deserves it after what he said." Ashton scoffed. "You don't think he deserves any remorse, any forgiveness, do you?" There was a long pause when I never answered and Ashton began to laugh. "He really does have you wrapped around his finger. Doesn't he?"

"Ashton leave him alone." Calum snapped. "Don't bother him about the choice he made."

"You know he's just going to get himself hurt again." Ashton scoffed. I felt my throat tighten as he said it.

"You might be right." I replied, a hushed tone to my voice. "But, I'm willing to take that risk, you can stand with me Ash, or you can stand against me, either way, I'm doing this."

"You're seriously going to give yourself to him?" Ashton could not believe a word I was saying, but I nodded all the same. "Whatever, just don't come crying to me." Ashton turned and stalked our of the room. Calum let out a sigh.

"I support whatever you decided to do, Luke." He smiled as he patted my back and left the room.


So updates. So I've been thinking guys, this book isn't really close to over but acrobatics is(as soon as I actually write an update) and even fit for a king is going at a really steady pace. So I need something to fill my time with if I'm going to write another book. And that's the other thing, do I actually want to write another book? I love writing and I know you guys like reading them, but I don't really know what kind of book I want to write. Maybe experiment with new genres or something, but in all honesty, I'm at a loss. I still get a bunch of reads from even my first book, but I feel like all of the newer content isn't as popular as all of those are or ever will be. Doubled was a huge success but it's been bothering me how little people pay attention to some of my other works(if you are reading this, it doesn't include you). Pill by pill picked up a lot when I was about half way through, but I'm not sure what to write if I continue with teen fiction. I have the nerdy books, and drugs, and abuse and all of the categories (basically the only thing I don't have is a teacher student book). And I try to keep my books as unique as physically possible, but there is always a demand for the categories I've already done. Not to mention, I have ten books (7 of which are finished) and in not really sure what to do :( So just, I dunno help me out a little. What kind of book do you all want?

Sorry if you read this but I wanted to talk a bit about it.

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles, and Serenades xX

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