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Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better. ~Henry Rollins

Michael's POV

I watched Luke in class tap his pencil off of the desk, Bonnie was talking about a lot of things. But all the while sat on her phone and it was clear no one was going to make an effort here. So I took this time to work on the little things that would later be forgotten.

"What are you doing?" Luke asked about five minutes after I had started. I lifted my hands off of the paper, as if I was never supposed to touch it. Luke looked down at it, he did not seem angry like usually. Just curious. He pointed at the paper and then held his hand out, as if I was supposed to let him have it.

So I spun the paper towards him and he looked at me before taking a long look at the paper. I watched the emotions in his face change, he rubbed his chin where a light stubble was appearing. Eventually he turned the paper back to me and said nothing.

"Maybe we should - " Bonnie began but Luke instantly cut her off.

"No," He began. "Michael has it all worked out, we should follow what he's saying, he's probably smarter than us anyways." I guess that was pretty nice. "I mean, at least smarter than you Bonnie." Never mind.

"Ha ha, very funny Hemmings." Bonnie rolled her eyes and went back to whatever she was doing. Luke scribbled with a pen on some lined paper. I do not think it was anything important. But what do I know?

There was something in his face that leaked out that he was not so bad. His hard demeanor had faded into something much softer. After I had realized I had been starring I went back to work. Until I felt two hands slam down on the desk. Making all three of us jump.

"Luke, you won't believe what's going on in the hallway!" A man about our age smiled wide, Luke edged him to go on. "There's a fight, and it's good."

"I don't care." Luke replied and went back to scribbling.

"Oh come on, they're really going at it!"

"You're an idiot," Luke sighed as he stood up. "If you find a fight to be amusing. Violence doesn't solve anything."

"You're an ass to everyone all the time, and you're going to tell me that you think violence isn't an answer?" The guy scoffed. I almost felt like he would start a fight with Luke.

"I'm just good at putting people in their place with words." Luke blinked. "Please leave, Chris. Be a little more like Christopher Columbus and sail your way out of here."

"That was funny." Bonnie smiled to me and I almost had to disagree as this Christ character left and Luke took his seat once more, muttering an 'idiots' as he did so.

"You don't have to be so rude about it." I sighed and Bonnie began choking as Luke's eyes turned to me, but his head did not move at all. He looked at me for what might have felt like a million years, his eyes burning through me. But he turned them back down without a word.

"Luke, did you hear him?" Bonnie asked.

"I did." Luke replied.

"Well!? Aren't you going to say something?" Bonnie pressed and I almost wanted to tell her how stupid she is.

"His aunt is my boss." Luke pointed out. It took Bonnie a second to process it, but she immediately backed down. Luke said nothing else to anyone either. Eventually his hand stopped moving on the paper, but still. He never said a word.

I continued to jot down notes and concepts, but no one seemed to notice anything, until Luke's head slammed off the desk and he sat up with a jolt. Bonnie began laughing hysterically and Luke rubbed his head, I did my best to suppress a laugh.

"Did you just fall asleep?" Bonnie laughed and Luke whimpered and rubbed his head some more. This is where I began to laugh harder and harder. Eventually I saw Luke's glare on me but I could not stop. Until I was afraid he might actually lean against the desk and kill me in one swift movement. After that, nothing was funny.

I shrunk down in my seat. Luke was always so mean, why did I have to be around him so often? Even after I stopped laughing, Luke's glare remained persistent. Even after a few minutes, it was still there. Bonnie picked up on it too and poked Luke's shoulder but he did not budge.

The bells rang, and Luke stood up looking at me still. He leaned close to me and whispered, "You're not welcome here, Michael." And stood up and left in a hurry. I saw Bonnie standing wide eyed, but she did not say anything. She just grabbed her books and left.

I went to my next class and sat down, I was alone like most days. I kicked my foot back and forth and tapped against the table. I guess Luke was right, I really was not wanted here. I had made zero friends, but I guess that was better. I did not want friends anyways. In fact, I wanted to be alone. But despite how much I craved my loneliness, I hated it as well. I hated being alone, but it was all I ever wanted to be.

What else was I supposed to do?

I know that the days would tick on with, or without me here. In fact, at this point I was just taking up the oxygen in the air. Just another body that had lost their soul. There was no point to me, and so it was true. I did not belong here. And the words might have hurt me in another world, but there was nothing left to break of me. It was like trying to pop the same bubble twice. It doesn't happen. The soap leaks to the ground, maybe hoping to slip someone up. Or it dries up. Whichever comes first I would assume varies.

I was with Samantha for a reason, but I do not think I would be there long. As I rubbed gingerly at my wrists, I could feel everything inside me disintegrate.


I think this is the first time Michael has had the POV. It just gives some insight to him and how he's developing as a character because you obviously don't see as much as it from Luke's POV.

But yeah this is kind of sad, which is apparently the only way I write xD

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX

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