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Chapter 2

Mon: 4 October

>> Dear Diary <<


There are times when the most unexpected people protect you. The unknown hero fights to secure your life and soul.

Why did it have to be me ?

The female ghoul was nearly killed by the mysterious hero. Before she could escape from his strong grip she launches a final attack at you but it is unable to reach you as the hero steps in front of you protecting your still body losing his fight against the female ghoul.

You slowly start to wake up looking at the male ghoul who had saved you. He turns at you before getting on his knees holding you tightly from your shoulder.

" Here, let me help you " His voice felt so familiar to you as you look at him placing your right hand on his black tied up mask before closing your eyes again.

~ Dream ~

" (y/n) hurry up, we are going be late for the sale " two girls shouted pulling you from your arms.

" Seriously , you two go ahead, I am not interested in clothes that much " you say yawning looking rather annoyed.

" Fine fine , just go wait us at the park we will be there in a hour " the girls say as they head to the mall.

You walked to the park wearing your earphones, listening to your music. You were trying to find a place to sit when your eyes caught this cute guy standing in front of you. He was looking after a little girl as she was playing along with some other little girls. The young boy turns to face you noticing that you were staring at him. Time passes and you realize that he had caught you staring at him before turning around embarrassed.

" Great (y/n) , now you sure look like a scary weird stalker... man" You mumble under your breath, deciding to leave only to step on a banana peel bumping your head on the ground. " aaahhh dammit ... my head " You whine rubbing your head sitting on the ground. People kept staring at you not making it easy for you to feel any less embarrassed than you were. As you keep rubbing your head the sun gets blocked by a really tall shadow, you look up facing the boy.

"Let me help you " His voice was so warm that it made you blush a little. You grab his hand and he pulls you up. " Are you ok ?" He asks worried not letting go of your hand.

" Y-yeah I am , thank you" You force up a smile looking creepier , until eventually you realize his holding your hand. You both pull your hands back blushing.

~ end of dream~

The lady in black grabbed a bottle of wine opening and starting to drink it. She seemed to enjoy it so much gasping.

" So, how did it go ?" She spoke with a heavy voice .

" Madame Blood... she, was saved by another ghoul...." The female ghoul said low headed. Madame Blood looked at her servant as killed her in instant with her kajuka. The female ghoul dropped on the floor bleeding starting to cry. She looked at Madame Blood reminding their first meeting .... >> The female ghoul was wondering around the 11 district as she encounters a woman dressed in a beautiful deep blue dress filled with beautiful red roses on the waist and chest part! She ran near Madame Blood falling to her knees starting to cry "please save me" the female ghoul begged while Madame Blood looks at her and pats her shoulder " From now on you will serve me , everything will be ok " <<

" Madame Blood.....why ?" The female ghoul thought to herself before going to the eternal sleep.

~ At Anteiku ~

" (y/n) ... (y/n) wake up... " You keep hearing a voice on your sleep. Slowly you began to open your eyes looking at the male ghoul above you. You open your eyes widely and push him away getting up and trying to run outside, but he grabs you putting his right hand on your mouth and his left one on his lips whispering " shshs, the others are sleeping"

" Who are you ?" You ask with low voice looking at him. Both of your faces were close as he reveals himself taking the mask away from his face. Your eyes widen at the image you see. It was the boy you met at the park.

To be continued~

Chapter 3 : #Feelings_of_the_broken_heart

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