Chapter 1: The Opening

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Sci-Twi lives in Crystal. It's called that, because it has a reputation of being a rich city, as the buildings are built out of crystal.

And of course, the high quality schools are around there. The teachers at the school there, expect the BEST out of you, even the grades that the students have.

Crystal Prep Academy is short for (CPA), and is a high quality academy that starts from kindergarten, all the way to the high school years, to a senior.

Sci-Twi puts on her uniform, that she was required to wear to school, and she placed her black glasses on for the first time. Her mom got her glasses, because she realized that she needed them for her eye vision. She lives with her older brother; Shining Armor and her parents too.

Twilight was named after her mother, Twilight Velvet. Her father's name is Night Light.

"Hey, Twilight.. are you ready, for your.. first day of school? At Crystal Prep Academy, that is." her parents said. 

Sci-Twi grips her backpack with her two hands, while she looks at them, "Sure, I am," she smiled at them. "Alright then. . . Shining Armor, you go with Twilight to school, while your dad and I.. stay here to watch and work over the book shop." the mom said as she opened the door.

Her parents work at a book shop too, called; 'Night Light Book's Binding House', it was named after her dad, since he came up with the idea himself. Her mom works with him now, helping him at the shop.

Twilight Velvet is an author. Her speciality is about writing, adventure. She loves to write about it. At the book store, Night Light would bind books by himself. His partner; Twilight Velvet would sell, publish, and write books. So..their store was a combination of the two passions that they loved doing with each other.

"Alright, mom... I will walk with Twilight, to school and after school. I will make sure, that we're both safe." Shining Armor said.

"Ok, Shining Armor." the two parents said.

Sci-Twi's dad looked at his watch, that layed on his wrist, "Shining Armor. You and your sister, must go! You don't want to be late, for school."

"Ok, dad." Shining says. "Come on...Twily, we don't want to miss school." he says as he takes his sister's hand.

'Twily' is her nickname that her brother calls her for short. They both say 'good bye' to their mom and dad.

Her brother and her, cross the street, as they are both safe. They have arrived to their destination. School. "Well, we're here, Shining."

"Do you want me, to walk you, to your class, Twilight?" Shining asks as he scratches his head in question.

"Sure, brother!" Sci-Twi beamed, a smile in joy. Her brother had been going to CPA, long enough, so he knows the way. Shining is in high school now. He walked his little sister to her class. But they didn't go to the office, because Sci-Twi had luckily gotten enrolled into the school, early.

"Well, we're here." Shining looked at the class room door. "Wait. . Twilight, you're in this.. class?"

Sci-Twi just nods to him. "The class was the same class, I had back, when I started here in CPA. The teacher here, is very nice. I think you will like her, Twily," he was being honest.

"What's, 'she' like?" she said as she was referring to the female teacher that was going to be the teacher for kindergarten. Her first teacher, that she ever had, that happened to be the same teacher that her brother had for kindergarten. "The teacher is nice and encouraging. Her name is Ms. Topaz. You will like her."

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