Chapter 8: Friendship Games (#2)

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Sci-Twi walked in the hallway, having some thoughts. Another Friendship Games, what a yay~ NOT! I'm starting not to like the Friendship Games at all. All of my school, ever wants to do is win. Don't they ever get sick of winning all the time? They should at least let CHS win for once. The Wondercolts must feel terrible, for jot having any victories yet.

"Another, Friendship Games!" Indigo Zap said.

"And we are going to win," Sour Sweet said.

"Win, and win." Sugarcoat said in her fast tone of voice. She really does talk fast. 

"Right, Twilight?" Sunny Flare said.

"Win? Can't Crystal Prep, ever let CHS win the Friendship Games!? If we.. let them win, they will feel happy, in the inside. We don't always have to.. winning. We can just play fair and let CHS win for once. We can stop playing pranks on CHS, stop gloating to them, have good sportsmanship. Appreciate friendship, since it's what it is all about, in the Friendship Games. All about our two schools, getting along!" Sci-Twi suddenly made an outburst. She said her 'outburst', because she felt like it needed to be said. It was the truth that was laying in her own mind.

Sour scoffed in disgust at what she said, "Play fair, with CHS!? And get along with them? What are we to them, 'friends'? Because we're not! We are ENEMIES!" she scrunched her teeth together and balled up her two hands into separate fists.

"No way! We're going to win, we always do. Good sportsmanship with the Wondercolts, is not what we do. We gloat and prank them!" Indigo exclaimed as she put her fist in the air.

"Oh, deary, these games aren't about.. playing fair.. with the other school." Sunny swooshed her short purple hair with her right hand.

"We win! We're the Shadowbolts!" Lemon put her hands to her sides.

"Wow..Twilight, that was a really bad speech, you said to us. You shouldn't of..said that. Everyone here, at Crystal Prep, likes to win. No one is going to like, what you said, even.. I didn't like your 'speech'." Sugarcoat said in her chatty voice.

"Wait... 'til everybody figures out, what you said, Twilight." Sour Sweet said in her 'sweet' voice. She has a bipolar personality. But no one has seen, what her other side is.

"What do you mean!?" Sci-Twi said.

"No one is going to like it, one bit," Sugarcoat said.

"I just can't believe, you don't like, how we don't play fair." Sunny Flare looked at her own reflection in her small oval-shaped mirror.

"You're not even, a true Shadowbolt, Twilight Sparkle," Indigo Zap said as she crossed her arms.

"I just can't believe, you're not like us. How could you not like us, WINNING!?" Sour yelled at the last bit, as she was in her 'sour'/other side of her bipolar personality. "Sour Sweet". Her name does make perfect sense now, she is 'sour' and 'sweet' including bipolar and she is sarcastic.

Lemon Zest didn't say anything in response, because she was zoned out of her music that she was listening to, in her pink head phones.

"She..isn't one of us. Come on, girls, let's go," Sour Sweet said.

Indigo, Sunny, and Sugarcoat gave a death glare to Sci-Twi. Lemon went with them, even though she could only hear the sound of her own music to her ears, "Hold up, dudes!" she shouted at them as she ran off to follow them.

Sci-Twi stood by herself, in the empty halls. She frowned in sadness. They weren't even convinced by her speech, that she was making a valid point of.


While Sci-Twi.. was in the hall again, she saw most of the students whispering and looking at her. When she walked in the middle, they all looked at her. She bit her lip, feeling nervous and looked at them.

"I've heard that Twilight Sparkle, doesn't dream of winning like we do. She even cares about friendship and getting along with Canterlot High." Sci-Twi heard a low whisper that came from a female student, as she whispered to her friend. As she walked by them, they gave her angry looks, along with their raging bright eyes.

Sci-Twi thinks, she knows what happened. Now everybody here at CPA knows about my 'speech', about the Friendship Games, that I said. Why does there, have to be a spread rumor, about me!? Not liking, winning for the Friendship Games? I have a feeling that I know who spread the rumor, about me. It was probably.. Sour Sweet. She did say that one sentence, "Wait... 'til everybody figures out, what you said, Twilight." she was the one, that had spread the rumor at Crystal Prep.

But why? What did I.. ever do to her? Nothing! That's what!

This is going to be tough, to get through. It's just a little rumor about me, not liking the Friendship Games. Winning. It probably, will wear off in a month or so. It's not like it's going to be a major problem for me, that I won't be able to solve by myself.

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