Chapter 11: 12 Grade... (Senior)

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Sci-Twi is still alone in Crystal Prep Academy. She wished that she had someone to be with at school. No one there, really wants to be friends with her; a Shadowbolt that doesn't care about winning. They just think..she's different from them. That they all have to be the same. Sci-Twi is 16 years old, her birthday isn't until a few months away. She frowned, walking in the hallway, the only one walking there. Everybody else had already got to class. But she didn't care, if she was late or not. She just wanted to be with someone, to avoid the feeling of 'loneliness'.


Since, Sci-Twi is a teenager, Shining Armor and her parents tell her that she's old enough to own her own house. That sounds real weird?.... Well, she did have a lot of money, that she had been saving up on. Sci-Twi was just saving money, in case she needed it, for something urgent. Good thing, that she rented her house.. tomorrow, still having to.. pay the fees for it. But, she still didn't understand why, she couldn't just live with Shining Armor or her parents? Wouldn't it, work out? Nope, her brother and her parents are adults already!

Her part time job.. is in a library, helping the librarian. She came back from a day of school. Taking off her necklace, that she tunked underneath her uniform shirt, it's actually her necklace, that holds her golden colored house key. Sci-Twi unlocked the lock of the secure door, by sticking the key, matching it into the key hole. She shutted/locked the front door behind her. She placed her key necklace onto her beige coffee table, that's in the living room.

She went to her own room, and set her backpack down. Opening it, to take out her homework, that she needed to do. She placed the small stack of white homework sheets onto her desk. She turned her mini lamp on. So, she could see the light. Taking out a pencil and doing all of her homework. She was interrupted, as she hear a buzz.


What was that? Sci-Twi had heard the buzzing sound again. 

Wait! That buzz is coming.. from my backpack. She glanced closely into her backpack, to see what was causing the noise. "Oh," she said to herself, only to find out that the buzzing in her backpack, is just her lavender cell phone. It kept vibrating in her backpack. She picked up her phone and looked at the digital screen, that was close to her eyes. She wondered who could be calling her?

She turned on her phone and saw a notification that was covering her screen. It showed a picture of Shining Armor on it. With two icons; a red and a green one. It looks like he.. wants to call me? Sci-Twi looked at the screen again and tapped onto the green icon, to answer back.

"Hello, Shining Armor?" she said, putting her phone up to her ear.

"Hey, Twilight." she heard his response.

"Big brother, why did you call me, at this time? I was.. doing my homework, right now, phone rang."

She heard Shining chuckle softly, "Sorry, Twily, but I just.. need to tell you, something. Then, you can continue.. with your homework."

"Alright, what do.. you, have to tell me?"

"Twilight, do you remember.. Mi Armor.. Cadenza?"

"Cadance!?" What is.. he going to tell me? And..about her?

"Yes, Cadance. She works at Crystal Prep, she's 'Dean Cadance'. I work.. with her."

"What about.. her?" I wonder where this is going to lead to?

Sci-Twi hears her brother clear his throat, "Well, Cadance and I....We're going to.. get married."

"Married! Oh my gosh! You're going to marry Cadance, my old babysitter. She's smart, pretty, and kind. I'm glad, you're marrying her, Shining Armor. But, why didn't you tell me...that the two of you, were together? You've.. could of told me, in person."

"I'm sorry, Twily. It's just that, I've had a lot of work to do.. at Crystal Prep. I didn't have time on my hands, to tell you, in person. I'm sorry."

I sigh, "It's ok, Shining Armor. Have you, told mom and dad, yet!?"

"Yes, I have. They're happy about it, too."

"Wow, my brother.. is getting married? When's.. the wedding?"

"The wedding will be in some months. Cadance and I, still have to send out all of the invitations, the preparations...."

"That's.. a lot of stuff to do. Will I ever, see Cadance?" Sci-Twi hadn't seen Cadance, since she was a little girl, she was her best and only babysitter that she ever had/loved.

"Yes. You will see, Cadance," Shining confirmed to his sister.

Sci-Twi started to smile, "Yay! Also.. congratulations, because you're about to be.. married. When, did you give her, the ring?"

"I proposed to her...while, we had some privacy, of our own.. at CPA.. last week."

"That seems fast."

"Anyways, I need to ask you, of a favor, Twily," Shining Armor said.

"Yes? What is it?"

"Will you do.. the honors and be..the maid of honor?"

"The maid of honor? Are you, serious!?"

"Yes, besides.. Cadance wants you to be her.. maid of honor. She even wants.. to see you, again."


"Yes, I'm telling the truth, Twilight."

"Of course, I will do it!" Sci-Twi felt herself smile a bit more.

"Thanks. I've got to go. Bye..."

"Bye." her mind started to fill up with happy thoughts as she continued to finish up her homework. She still couldn't believe that Cadance is going to be her sister-in-law, and that her brother is going to get married! 

Equestria Girls: Friendship Isn't Magic? (Book 1~Equestria Girls Series)Where stories live. Discover now