Chapter 14: I Want To Go To CHS Again

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Sci-Twi can't take Spike to school, even though pets are not allowed. Spike is still too little to sneak into Crystal Prep and to take care of, and she would have to watch him a lot. A lightbulb popped into her head, getting a idea. I think mom.. could take care of Spike. I can tell her to come over to my house, every day. If she's gone, dad can still work the book shop. This is such a great plan! Though, she will have to do this.. for a while... until he gets older. Then..I can take care of him more myself. Besides, I need to focus on my studies. She picked up her phone and dialed her mother's phone number on it, "Hello, mom?"

Sci-Twi's mother responded and she accepted, and went to go pick up Spike. She went crazy over him because.. he's just so cute! His eyes are still closed, so nobody hasn't seen his true eyes open up. Sci-Twi wondered what color they could be?

Twilight Velvet says 'bye' to her daughter, while Sci-Twi leaves her home, so she could walk to school on her own. When she goes to school, she  starts to think about Spike. How she took him in, and took care of him. She knew it was.. just the right thing to do. Spike's her pet. But he's the only thing that she has to make her happy.


Spike has gotten older. He's still a puppy, just not a new-born anymore. He still looks so cute, he's a adorable little pup, that you just want to hug, and give a dog biscuit to. I looked at him open his eyes up for the first time! They are emerald green! Sci-Twi is at her office, (her own room) at Crystal Prep Academy with Spike. She takes him to school by hiding him in her backpack. She gets her stuff that she needs, by getting it in her own locker, her backpack stays empty so Spike can fit in it. Her glasses are fixed.

She watched Spike play around with his fluff toy that she bought for him, while she sits down at her seat in front of her computer desk, "Oh, Spike!" Sci-Twi got Spike's attention as his green heart-shaped dog ears perked up to the sound of his own name, he stopped what he is doing and he dropped his toy. His green eyes look straight at her. She clears her throat at him, "Now.. that, I've gotten your attention. Do you, perhaps want to come with me? To Canterlot High?" she said. She had only been to Canterlot High once.

Sci-Twi put her right hand up to her chin, "Come to think of it, I haven't really been a while. I should see..what they're up to now, and I want to see.. who we are..going to be.. against.. in the Friendship Games,"  she knew that her school was going to be against the Wondercolts in every Friendship Games. She wanted to go to CHS again. Can there be.. more over there, that she doesn't even know, yet? She would even like to look at the scenery of it too, it seemed like a friendly school and all. What do they.. do, that's different from her school; Crystal Prep?

Spike barked at Sci-Twi in response and he looked happy. "I see Spike, you're taking a 'yes'," she didn't really have anybody to talk to. Just her dog, even if he talks back in barks. And, doesn't ever continue on with real human English language. It still made her better, that somebody or some animal was actually listening to her. Even.. if it's a puppy. Shining Armor, Dean Cadance, and her parents don't ever have the time to talk to her, and to listen to what she has to say to them. So, that makes her sad in the inside...

After school, she decided to go to CHS with Spike. She brought him with her and put a dog leash on him. She walked to Canterlot with Spike, holding him by his leash, he also needs some exercise that will be good for his state of his conditions. She brought her camera, so she could take pictures of any evidence that she might or may find at CHS. She still had on her uniform because she had came from school hours ago. Plus, she didn't want to waste any more time or chances, by just going home to change into some normal clothing.

It took about twenty minutes or something to walk to Canterlot on foot. It was a tiring walk to get through for Twilight. She got there at the beginning of night fall, "Yay! I've made it," she said as she smiled and looked at the Canterlot High statue. She saw two posters on the wall of the CHS building. She walked to them, to take a closer look at the details and words of it. "Hmm?.. Taco Tuesday!? They.. seriously put posters of this.. at this school!? But, it's for lunch, what a unusual poster!? I've never thought, I'd ever see something.. like this..before." she took off the poster that was taped to the wall.

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