Chapter 3: 4th Grade...

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Sci-Twi was at recess and was swinging on a swing. She was all by herself.  The others were playing games and stuff. But she didn't want to play. She was just reading a book, while swinging on a swing.

She sighed and frowned.



Sci-Twi was just reading and she got hit by a soccer ball, that landed right in her face, "Woah!" she lost her grip off, of the ropes that she was holding on to the swing. She ended up falling off of it.

"Sorry. Twilight, can you please throw.. the ball!?" Sci-Twi heard Indigo Zap shout at her.

She struggled getting up. Her glasses had fallen off, reaching her hand to get them, "Sure, I will. Indigo Zap." she said, loud enough for her to hear. She put her glasses black on and threw the soccer ball to Indigo, "Here, you go!"

"Thanks!" Indigo Zap replied.

Sci-Twi sighed and picked up her book and got back on the swing that she was on and continued reading on. Reading, as to getting lost into her own 'magical' world, of fantasy.

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