Chapter 15: Applying To Everton?

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Sci-Twi's new hangout at lunch was her office, which is also known as her research room at Crystal Prep Academy. She sometimes left Spike in there, while she had time to go to her first period, so she could meet up with him later. Her research room was filled with a lot of research stuff. She placed some of the things with tacs/or tape. She ripped a paper off of a type of meter and placed it on her board in front of the photo of CHS, "No.. doubt about it, Spike, there's definitely something strange..going on at that school," she said as she was referring to Canterlot High School.

Spike finished eating his dog food in his bowl and he barked happily at her. Sci-Twi was wearing a blue long sleeve sweater, with her white long coat that made her look like a scientist. Her hair was still in its usual bun but in a messy state, with a pencil sticking out of it.

She had a lot of evidence that was from../leaded to CHS. She still got good grades at school, and was..still at a very gifted class. She was the BEST student that CPA has to offer, not to brag or anything. But that's what Principal Cinch had always told her. Since, she was smart and she had been thinking about applying to Everton.

The Independence Everton Study Program.

Sure, it's a study program and Sci-Twi would have to do all of the things on her own. Being independent, with the independence to study.. a lot. Heck! She loved studying. She always wanted to be in Everton, since she heard about it. It's what she has dreamed of! Still, she needed to finish filling out her application to it, if she wanted to go to it.


Everton? Should Sci-Twi really.. consider going to it? She is quite intelligent, for all she really knows. She knew a lot of things, math being her favorite subject. She should keep it up and improve, by going to Everton! School is over, so she decided to go visit her parents. And, it's been a while since she has seen them. She missed them, wanting to spend more time with them. Catch up on a few things, and say 'hi' at least. She walked to her parents' home, it's not far away really...Just about some miles away from CPA. She chatted with her parents, giving them both a hug. They also petted Spike too.

"Mom, it's been a while. So....I thought that I.. should visit you and dad," Sci-Twi said as she put my right hand out to her mother.

"Oh...Twilight, good thing, you've dropped in!"

"Dropped in? What do you.. mean?"

"Your father and I, were just about to go to visit you and Spike."

"Huh?... That does make sense."

"Listen, I need to ask you, guys, something." Sci-Twi wanted to have a conversation with them about Everton.

"Go on, Twilight, we're listening." Sci-Twi's father said.

Sci-Twi sighed, "Do the both of you think, I should.. consider going to Everton? I'm not really sure about it.. anymore, I do want to go. But then.. I have no idea."

"Of course, you should go, Twilight." Night Light said.

"Actually, I think you.. should really think about it. It's your choice." Twilight Velvet said.

"To go or not to go? Thanks mom, I'll just think about it.. for some days. And, tell you, two, later."


Going to Everton? Being alone, by myself over there. It's wonderful! I should totally go! It's my dream to go to Everton. Sci-Twi liked studying, she could probably keep up with it over there. And, she can get all of her projects and work done too, even if it is independent work for her. The next thing she knew, at school she got called up to Principal Cinch's office.

She went there and talked about something that was directly on her mind. The Everton Independence Study Program. "What about Everton, Principal Cinch?" This better be good. I really need to give her the application.

"Twilight Sparkle, do you really want to go to Everton?" Abacus Cinch readjusted her glasses as she continued to look at her.

"Everton?...Sure, I would! I've always wanted to go to it. And, there will be so much for do over there." Sci-Twi started thinking about more things that involved her going to Everton.

"Alright, if you do.. want to go. Where's your application?" Cinch crossed her arms while she was sitting down on her large throne-like chair.

"My application? I--Do have it, only I'm not completely done with it." Sci-Twi did have the application for Everton, but she wasn't finished of filling it all out and it wasn't in her backpack. It was at her home, right on her desk.

" finish your application for Everton, be sure to come by my tomorrow. And, bring it..right away."

"Alright, Principal Cinch, I will give you tomorrow then," Sci-Twi was going to actually turn in the application to Abacus tomorrow. As soon as she finished filling it out today and brought it to school in her backpack.

Principal Cinch cleared her throat, "Now that, that's settled...You may leave my office now." she said in her serious tone of her voice.

Sci-Twi gulped and said a simple, 'ok.' She left the office immediately and  went to go get her lunch, after that she would be going back to her research room. Just Spike and her hanging out together.

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