Chapter 18: Canterlot Wedding

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Sci-Twi was at Canterlot High School and she squealed as she turned off her phone, and she put it away in her pocket. All of her friends looked at her with a confused face, "What was that!?" they said. She blushed as she was embarrassed, and she giggled in a nervous tone. "Sorry... I forgot, that you, girls, were here." she totally forgot about them. She looked back at them and squealed again in happiness.

"What's with the..squealing, Twilight? Let me, get on it!" Pinkie Pie started squealing like crazy, the rest of the girls got distracted as they were caught in giggles, by her squealing. It was a funny thing to see.

"It seems like, you're happy.. 'bout.. somethang.. sugarcube, am I, right? Why else, would you, be squealing, like a fangirl?" Applejack said.

Sci-Twi giggled, "A fangirl? No way! I'm happy, because.. today, is the day, that Cadance and my brother, Shining Armor, are going.. to get married! Oh.. my..gosh, I'm so happy, I can--"

"SQUEAL!" Pinkie shouted and squealed again with her hands that were waving up in the air. The girls all laughed again.

"Yes, and I'm.. going to be.. the maid of honor, and Cadance, needs some bridesmaids for her wedding."

"I wonder, who her.. bridesmaids, are going to be?" Rarity asked. "But, a wedding, and you're.. the maid of honor!? That's such an honor," she laughed at her pun. "And, so devine!" she said in a happy tone of her voice.

Sci-Twi then saw Dean Cadance, who was coming out of a city bus and walking towards them. "Cadance!" the purple-skinnes girl ran to her in a excited, yet happy way. "Sunshine, sunshine. Ladybugs awake, clap your hands, and do a little shake." she and Cadance did their little routine. Rarity and the others looked at a odd way, "What is--"

"Right? I forgot.. to tell you, Cadance.. is my old babysitter, we would do this, when.. we would see each other. It's sorta, our little routine, when we greet each other..." Sci-Twi smiled.

"Aww.." is what Sci-Twi heard from her friends.  She looked back up at Cadance, "What are you, doing.. here?"

"I just came here, to see you and I. We.. need to talk about.. the wedding arrangements," Cadance said.

"Good! What about..them?"

Cadance sighed, "I still need some bridesmaids, for the wedding, the clothes for it, such as.. the bridesmaids' dresses, and my wedding dress." she counted the things that she needed, using her fingers.

"Does anybody, know Bon Bon, Lemon Hearts, Minuette, Lyra Heartstrings, and Twinkleshine?" Cadance asked. Being the students of CHS, The Main Seven simply nodded their heads. "Good, where are..they at?"

"Here we are!" The Main Seven all turned around behind themselves and saw Lyra and the other girls that Cadance mentioned. They all looked at them. "Why do you want to.. know us?" Twinkleshine asked.

"Well, I'm getting married, but may you do the honor, girls? And, be my bridesmaids?"  the soon-to-be bride asked a favor.

"Wow! Of course!" Minuette and her friends smiled.


Shining Armor and Cadance kissed, they were officially married. Husband and wife. Cadance is Sci-Twi's sister-in-law, now! Rarity made the bridesmaids' dresses, and Cadance's wedding dress. She was so generous into doing so. Sci-Twi smiled as she saw her brother and his 'wife' holding hands.

Cadance threw her flower bouquet at the crowd of females. Sci-Twi was just randomly looking in the front, and ended up catching it, unexpectedly.  Cadance looked at her and so did Sci-Twi's friends as Sci-Twi was holding the bouquet, "Well, Twilight, it looks like, you're going to.. get married.. next." Sunset Shimmer said.

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