Chapter 13: What Will It Take?

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It's been two months. There is still the same stuff that is happening to Sci-Twi at CPA. She still doesn't have any friends. The Friendship Games will be next month. She still feels alone. She got pushed by the students in the hallway. She doesn't like it in Crystal Prep, wishing that she could be more happy somewhere else. No one understood her at all. Shining Armor and Dean Cadance didn't understand. She told them that she didn't want to hang around with people.

But Cadance still offered for her to try new things, to hang out with the others. And it would never be the same yet, whether Sci-Twi keeps on trying to hang out with anyone.

After, Sci-Twi went to all of her periods, she was going to leave school as she went out in the hallway. With little bumps there and there, she made it. She was the last one in the hall, that was until she heard some low whispers, "I still don't like Twilight, at all." it was Sugarcoat's voice.

Sci-Twi looked to see what was going on. She heard Sour Sweet too, "Yah, I know.. right!? She still doesn't want to win," she said.

Sugarcoat glared at Sci-Twi, so did Sour. They finally had noticed her, but she had been eavesdropping on them as they were gossiping about her.

Sci-Twi didn't know what to do, "Uh.. Hi, Sugarcoat and Sour Sweet?" she waved her hand to them as they still stood there.. looking at her.

"Go away, Twilight, we know you heard our conversation." Sugarcoat crossed her arms and looked at her.

Sour's 'sweet' side was talking, "Sweetie, you shouldn't be listening in and being nosy." she walked a step in front of Sci-Twi. "You should be.. LEAVING!" she shouted in front of her face, making Sci-Twi get startled.

Sci-Twi sighed, "I--You shouldn't be talking about me.. like that. And I only--"

"LEAVE!" Sour yelled at Sci-Twi again. Sci-Twi got startled again, not being a fan of her 'sour' side, because it's not a nice sight to see and Sour gets ticked off. Sci-Twi decided that it was the best for her to leave immediately. She walked out to the exit and looked around her. She just hanged around.. at the side of the Crytsal Prep building exit.

She stood there so she could have some time to think, and she didn't know what to do. Some minutes later, she saw Sour Sweet and Sunny Flare at the exit, and looking at her in a furious way. This sure wasn't a good idea.

"What are you.. doing here, Twilight Sparkle!?" Sour and Sunny exclaimed.  Sci-Twi noticed that Sugarcoat wasn't with Sour apparently.

"Nothing...girls, I just came here.. to think." she responded, with a nervous smile.

"Yah, well, go..'think'.. somewhere else!?" Sunny said.

"Excuse me, Sour Sweet, where's Sugarcoat? I thought, she was.. with you?"

"Sugarcoat.. went in the other exit, not that, it's important or anything!" Sour shouted.

Sci-Twi played with her fingers, "I was just wondering, that's all," it was just a question that she had in her mind and she

"What are you, still.. doing here?" Sunny asked. "We don't want you..where ever, we..go!"

"I was just..finishing.. talking to you, girls, that's..all," Sci-Twi sweated a bit as she was nervous, in front of them. They didn't really like her, not even Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, Sugarcoat, and the rest of the Shadowbolts.

"Oh.... Twilight you're so smart, that's why you're here in CPA," the tone of Sour Sweet's sweet voice was being sarcastic. She walked closer to Sci-Twi. "You're nothing, but a.. little 'Miss Know-It-All', that knows so much. That.. she doesn't even want to win the.. Friendship Games! Why are you.. even here!? You're not a the rest of us, at Crystal Prep! Why don't you, just bug off and move schools!? We don't.. LIKE YOU!" she said in her outburst of shouts.

Equestria Girls: Friendship Isn't Magic? (Book 1~Equestria Girls Series)Where stories live. Discover now