Chapter Eleven

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Kellin was over at Vic's house for the whole weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Fuentes were a little wary to him sleeping over but after they explain the situation (minus Vic's arms) they were gladly letting him stay. He was also suppose to stay in the guest room but the adults either found Vic curled into Kellin's bed or vice versa. They were always together; usually Vic was leaning on the paler boy. When it came to Monday morning, they were holding onto each other under Vic's giant black and white checkered comforter. Vic started coughing.

"Are you okay love?" Kellin put a hand to his boyfriend's forehead. He was burning up.

"I'm fine." Vic voice cracked. He sounded like he had been screaming all night, which had nothing to do with anything they were doing. "I feel like crap."

"You should stay home." Vic shook his head and Kellin watched as his brown hair fanned across the pillow. "You're sick. You are staying home." He sounded like a commanding father.

"Will you stay with me?" Kellin laughed.

"I thought you would be tired of me."

"I could never grow tired of you. Are you tired of me?" Kellin cupped the other teen's cheek lightly.

"Are you kidding me? You and Kevin are the only people I can stand." Vic raised an eyebrow.

"What about my friends or my brother?" Kellin shrugged, something Vic has noticed he does a lot.

"I like them but I don't really know them. And they can't compare to you." Vic leaned up, capturing Kellin's soft lips.

"You're a dork." He received a hum in response as Kellin made the kiss deeper. He moved so he was now hovering over the small, tan boy as he wrapped his arms around his neck. Kellin moved his hand to the hem of Vic's shirt, pushing it up to run his hands along his stomach. The bumps of Vic's scars were more apparent against Kellin's fingertips. Then without warning Vic's mom opened the door. She shielded her eyes as Kellin groaned and took his spot laying next to Vic.

"Well good morning boys. I really wish you guys would stay in your rooms." Vic rolled his eyes.

"Morning mom." Vic voice came out strained and scratchy. His mother rushed to his side checking his forehead with her hand. She started tsking at her son.

"You're sick and then you're kissing this boy. Do you want it to spread?" She started talking to Vic in Spanish and he easily replied. Kellin sat there with the most confused expression ever. He took Spanish but he pretty much flirted with the nerdy girl in his class to do his homework. "You are staying home and that's final." She turned on her heels and walked out of the room. Vic heaved a sigh of relief.

"What was she saying?" Vic started laughing.

"She pretty much gave me the sex talk again. She thinks the reason you have been in my bed lately is because I'm putting it out like a 'puta'." Kellin nodded slowly. "Puta means like a whore."

"I know that!" Kellin stated. He propped himself up on his elbow so he could look down at Vic who gave a quiet giggle.

"Sure you did." Kellin stuck out his bottom lip in a pout.

"You're mean." Vic started to play with Kellin's hair.

"But you like me for it." Kellin leaned down to Vic's ear.

"No." He placed a kiss on the other boy's jaw line. "I love you."

"You're going to keep saying that, aren't you?"

"Until you believe it." Kellin pulled Vic to his chest. "I love you, I love you." He was kissing Vic's cheek, slowly getting closer to his lips. With one final I love you he kissed him as softly as possible. It soon turned into something more as Vic tugged at the bottom of Kellin's shirt.

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