Chapter Twelve

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"Are you going to the memorial game today?" Kellin came up behind Vic, wrapping his arms around his waist. Vic put his remaining books in his locker before turning in Kellin's arms. He placed a small kiss on his lips. They had been getting really risky about were they show PDA lately.

"Is it home?"

"Of course. And it's a weekend day so I can spend my weekend with you." Vic smiled. It had been 4 days since Vic said I love you and Kellin kept his word. He would always reply, sometimes adding really corny things in too. But they were happy. The whole Amy ordeal was still going on and she still blamed Kellin for her constant slutiness. Kellin and Kevin now sat with Vic and his friends at lunch though.

"I promised Jaime and Tony I would go to the bleachers this period." Kellin groaned, pushing Vic up against a locker. The paler boy started to kiss his boyfriend's neck. "Kellin I'm serious." The other boy hummed.

"You sound so serious." He teased. He bit into the tan bruised collarbone receiving a gasp from the owner.

"Oh god damn it!" Vic tried pushing him off getting no anvil. "Kellin we are in the middle of the hallway and all of the football team has off roll." Kellin stopped what he was doing.

"Way to kill the mood."

"There was no mood to begin with."

"I'd say there was a mood." Vic jumped when a woman's voice cut into their conversation. They turned seeing Ms. Terrace standing with a knowing smile. Vic sighed with relief. Kellin, though, was still tense. "Relax Kellin. I'm a friend."

"She's my photography teacher. She knows everything." Kellin glanced at Vic's wrists. He shook his head. No, he would never tell a teacher that.

"Oli was right. You are good for each other." Vic's face drained of all color.

"You talked to Oli?" She gave me a funny look.

"Yeah. When he would come pick you up after class, he would wait and talk with me. He did that last year too. He was always claiming at one point you guys would realize you love each other."

"Oh." Kellin laced their fingers together. He pulled Vic's chinned up. As soon as the boys locked eyes that spark in the shy boy's brown orbs returned. Ms. Terrace excused herself. She felt like she was interrupting the mental conversation they were having. Kellin brought their foreheads together.

"I love you."

"I love you too cariño." Kellin let out a little laugh.

"I hope that means something good." Vic kissed him lightly. He loved being able to do this. It felt good, right. He never thought he could feel like this about someone enough to use the same word his parents use.

"It does."

"Hey Kellin." The boys broke apart as Kevin walked around the corner with a few guys from the team flanking him. "Are you guys going to the party tonight?" Kellin looked over at his boyfriend. Of course he wanted to go. Kellin was the top party animal with Mike not so far from him. He didn't want to give up this time with Vic though and from the body language he was giving off, he didn't like the idea.

"I don't know. Vic what are you doing?" He heard snickers come from the football players. He ignored it.

"He's never been to party. His friends have but not him." One of the guys cut in. Vic shifted awkwardly under their gaze. It's true he never went to a party and he was a junior in high school. He just didn't want to be around a lot of people. Drunk people. He felt like he needed to prove to Kellin that he wasn't boring.

"I'll go." He tried shrugging casually but Kellin raised an eyebrow. Vic seemed tense. "Listen I have to go talk with Jaime and Tony so I'll see you later."

"I'll walk with you. We're going the same way." Kellin waved to his teammates and followed Vic. "You know you don't have to go to that party." Vic glanced at him, giving a skeptical look.

"I know you wanted to go. I don't have to go if you don't want me to."

"No!" Kellin stopped the tan boy from walking forward by grabbing both hands. "If you go to a party, I want to be there with you." He gave Vic a quick kiss.

"Okay." Kellin put his forehead against Vic's and watched as his eyes fluttered closed.

"I want to make sure your safe."

"I'll be fine." Sarcasm dripped from his voice. Kellin ran his fingers along Vic's wrists.

"I worry about you. I don't want to lose you on some stupid mistake."

"You won't. I don't plan on leaving." The paler boy smiled.

"Ditto." Kellin reconnected their lips but this time passion raised goosebumps along their bodies. Vic reluctantly pulled away.

"I have to go."

"Buzzkill." He rolled his eyes. He made a promise to his friends that he would meet them. "I love you."

"I love you too." Kellin placed a soft kiss on the tan male's cheek. As they parted ways, neither boy realized a bystander caught onto their little secret.

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