Chapter Sixteen

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Vic was sitting in front of a giant oak tree watching the sun go down. He liked this dream. It was peaceful and even though he was sad to say it, Kellin wasn't here and that made it happy. He loved the Kellin in the real world. In Vic's dreams Kellin was a asshole that did terrible things. Sometimes it would be cheating, others it would be telling him to kill himself, and sometime he would claim that he was really in love with Amy. He leaned his head on the truck of the tree, closing his eyes.

"Is this place in Mexico?" Vic jumped at the voice that came from next to him. He turned to see perfectly healthy Oli sitting with a big smile. They pulled each other into a hug.

"I missed you." Vic felt tears pricking the corner of his eyes.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to reveal myself to you. And to think I have to leave soon."

"What?!" Vic pushe Oli back so they were looking at each other. Oli gave a small nod.

"My business is almost done here. All you have to do is wake up and I'll be gone." Vic shook his head quickly.

"I don't want to wake up. Oli, I killed you!"

"No, Vic, you didn't. And Kellin has no blame on him too. It was my time." Vic stood up, pacing in front of his best friend.

"Why didn't you tell me that you liked me?! I think that would have been some important information!"

"It wouldn't have made a difference. You have always had a crush on Kellin. Ever since he stood up for you on the first day of school. I've been inside his head too and you would not believe the things he thinks about you." Vic blushed.

"So what if I had a crush on him?" Oli turned to the tree behind him, playing with the loose bark. "What does he think about me?"

"Let's just say if he had an option to save the world or save you, he would watch the world burn as long as you were in his arms."

"He's so.." Vic groaned. "Amazing."

"So...." He raised an eyebrow as Oli swiveled around to face him.

"So what?"

"You guys did the sex." Oli wiggled his eyebrows. Vic felt like his face was getting a sunburn from the amount he was blushing.

"Did you see that?"

"I see everything." Vic, on impulse, smacked Oli in the face. His hands flew to cover his mouth.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean-"

"Nah. I deserved it." Oli rubbed the cheek that was just hit. He wasn't mad at Vic. He knew it was what the other boy had been doing for years. "Next time don't moan so loudly. When you wake up you should check out Kellin's back. You tore it up."


"So how was it?"

"Like I'm going to tell you." Oli pulled Vic by the arm causing the tan male to fall next to him. He started rubbing his face against Vic's.

"Aw come on Vic! Telllll meeeeee." Vic pushed his friend away. "Fine it sure seemed like you were enjoying it."

"Oh my god. Please stop talking!"

"Okay." They sat in comfortable silence. "I knew you guys would be perfect for each other."

"How?" Oli smiled, leaning back against the tree.

"You guys are complete opposites. You're shy, he is definatly not. You're bottom, he's top. And so on." Vic gave Oli a quick glare about the whole bottom top thing. "If everything goes as planned, you guys just might be together forever."

"And if it doesn't?" Oli frowned.

"Someone dies or almost dies. Not that good of an outcome."

"Who's going to die?" He shrugged at Vic's question.

"Depends on the road you take. There is always a way to a happy ending though. Even if the road has some bumps and holes." Vic looked at the picture perfect sunset. How he wishes he could just bring his camera in his dreams to capture the beautiful sight.

"Will you ever come back after this?" He looked at Oli who's frown had increased.


"Oh..." He turned his gaze to the grass. Oli shifted next to him, so the other boy's head was on his shoulder.

"You and Kellin are going to go somewhere to get married and adopt two beautiful children. You're going to have a lot of sex, grow old, and die."

"That's if everything goes as planned." Vic said half heartedly. Oli sighed.

"The way to stay on track is only believe it if you see it. And tell Kellin what's wrong when he asks. For the love of all don't listen to Jake or Amy. Kevin is a good guy though."

"He reminds me of you."

"Is he as cool as me?"

"Not even close." Vic wrapped his arms around Oli's thin torso. "No one could ever replace you. Why did you do it?"

"There was a lot of reasons. The main one was I didn't want to keep on living."

"I don't want you to go." Vic felt like a child. He didn't want his best friend to leave. "I wish I could bring you back." Oli let a tear slip out of his right eye.

"It's time to wake up. It's time for me to move on." He felt the tan boy tighten his grip. "Vic, come on. Don't be stubborn."

"I'm not letting go. I don't want to wake up."

"Can I try something?" Oli pushed Vic away so their faces were level.

"Anything." He leaned forward, kissing him in the lips. Next thing Vic knew, he opened his eyes and he was in Kellin's room. He was laying on his back. He could almost start crying. "Oli you fucking asshole!" The body next to him shifted.

"Vic? Are you okay?" The sun poured through the windows, lighting up Kellin's pale features and bright blue eyes as he looked at his boyfriend. Vic felt tears pour down his cheeks.

"N-no." Kellin pulled Vic to his chest, cradling his body.

"What's wrong?" Vic was sobbing too hard to answer. "Sh sweetheart. Calm down." Kellin continued whispering things into the crying boy's ears until he started to regain his composure.

"It was Oli. H-he's g-gon-ne. F-for g-good." Vic was trying not to break down. Kellin's phone started to go off but he ignored it. He started singing softly, running his fingers through Vic's hair. Soon the tan boy was whimpering and hiccuping like a 5 year old. Kellin didn't mind it though. He had lost his best friend twice and barely got to see him the second time around. "He kissed me. He woke me up by kissing me." Kellin let out a low chuckle.

"I'm going to have to find a way to kick his ass." They laughed together. Kellin's phone went off again.

"You should answer that." He groaned, rolling over to where his phone was laying by his pillow. He clicked the answer button and put it to his ear.


"Kellin get your ass to the hospital right now! I've been trying to get ahold of you all morning!" His father's voice came through the speakers. He sat upright quickly. Hospital?

"Dad why are you at the hospital?" His heart started racing. Vic leaned forward, placing his chin on Kellin's shoulder.

"There was an accident. Your mom.... She's in intensive care. They don't know if she'll make it."

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