Chapter Seventeen

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"What do you mean there was an accident?! What the fuck happened?!" Kellin jumped up, looking for clothes to put on. Vic followed suit getting dressed.

"Son calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down!" Kellin slammed the phone shut. He grabbed Vic by the forearm and lead him to his car, grabbing his keys off the hook. Vic hurried to his side rubbing his arm. The pale boy's grip on his arm was a bruising pain and he had no idea what Kellin was freaking out about.

"Kellin what's wrong?" Kellin started speeding down the road. Vic held on to the door for support.

"We're going to the hospital."


"You'll find out when we get there." Vic found himself scared at Kellin's harshness.

"Kellin, you're scaring me. Please tell me what's wrong."

"Shut up!" The pale boy snapped. He didn't mean to sound this way. He was just worried. He slowed down a little bit, glancing over at his boyfriend. Vic was rubbing his arm lightly and Kellin started to feel bad. He put his hand on Vic's thigh and the other boy jumped. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Are you okay?" Kellin rubbed small patterns on the tan boy's thigh. He was using Vic as a distraction.

"I don't know yet. I just need to get to the hospital and I can tell you everything there. Okay?"

"Yeah." It was an awkward type of quiet that stayed in the car as they drove to the hospital.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me." Kellin turned into the hospital parking lot, parking at a spot closer to the the doors. He watch as Vic face went into one of pain as he got out of the car. He walked over lacing their fingers together.

"Come on." They went through the double doors spotting Kellin's dad immediately. Vic pulled out of Kellin grip as they came to stand in front of him. The older man looked unworried that his wife may be on death's door. "Where is she?"

"What is the fag doing here?" Mr. Bostwick motioned towards Vic.

"He's my friend. That's not really important right now. What happened?"

"We were arguing-"

"How is that not surprising?" Kellin interrupted, crossing his arms across his chest. His father glared at him.

"Anyway, she left me at the restaurant and was driving really quickly. She slammed into a tree when she slid on the road. I've been trying to get ahold of you since 3 in the morning. You are the worst son ever. I swear I'm going to start having to raise my hand to y-"

"Isabella Bostwick's family!" A doctor called out. Kellin ran towards him yanking Vic along with him.


"She's stable." Kellin let out a sigh of relief. "But she might not make it through the night."

"Can we see her?" The doctor raised an eyebrow looking between Kellin and Vic.

"Is he family?"

"He's the only thing that's keeping me from giving up."

"So is he your boyfriend?" Kellin tensed.

"Yes." He whispered. The doctor smiled motioning for the couple to follow. Mr. Bostwick made no move to find out his wife's condition. As soon as they were out of sight of the older man, Kellin grabbed Vic's hand.

"Here she is. She might be still sleeping of the medicine. Call me if you need me." They entered the room.

"Oh mom." Kellin made his way to the bedside chair, grabbing his mom's hand. She looked so fragile and broken. Her normal soft pale face had bruises and cuts. Her dark hair was shaved in random patches where there were stitches covering big gashes. Vic placed his hand on Kellin's shoulder.

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