Part 17

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Quan P.O.V

I was with Keshawn walking to go see our baby mamas and daughters at this haunted house thing its only 6:45 it haven't started yet. This hoe look like it's gone be scary though.

"Aye Cynthia where y'all at we by the place"Keshawn said talking to his girlfriend

Nigga look they right there I said bumping him a little".

"Daddddddyyyyy !"McKenzie said running to me.
I picked her up and gave her a whole bunch of kisses "Hey lil mama, you missed me?"
She said yes and kissed me back all over my face. I swear I love this little girl she such a blessing.

"Hey Baby boy how you been.I missed you "Mariah said giving me a hug and a kiss.

"I've been good ma, how u been with the little one"

"Its been a handful but as long as she got Cianna she good"she said laughing

"Man I bet but, I got good news we come back next week"

She starred at me for a min then said "next week uhh what u mean thought it was next year yo contract up already"She nervously said

"Nah it ain't over we ain't got to do another year that's if we want the extra money and we don't really need it it's just a extra thousand and we don't need it if we almost to a million that's why we got one more week then we back to Texas miss the fam and shit why u so damn worried"

Before she could answer Keshawn asked if he could get McKenzie so her and cianna can go to this little park across the street before the haunted house thing start.I put her down and said yeah.

Now what was u saying I said looking at Mariah confused.

"Look u know I keep it one hundred with you and u know I got mad love for you Shawty cause you my baby daddy and I will always love u for our daughter. But u been gone for so long and I just have to tell you now before it's to late. I been cheating on u ever since our second visit down here.It haven't been down here though, but in Texas.Shit been killing me, but now that I know u coming back I know u wouldn't bare to see me with you an Kenzie so that's why ima leave and be with the nigga that been supporting me. I know it's fucked up but I promise you it's for the best so I'm asking you to keep her with you till next week u got four more days then u back right? She said looking me dead in my eyes

I was frustrated as fuck I ain't feel like going to this haunted house no more. She done ruiend my vibe and Shit ion even wanna speak to her my simple words was "Ight , yea and do u got her bags and carseat ".

I got the bags and the carseat , went to my car and put them in the trunk.
Mariah tried to help me but I aint let her.
She said "sorry"and walked off crying but ion give a fuck shouldn't no woman let her child go for no other man that's just real Shit.

Anyway I walked over to the park and McKenzie jumped in my Lap and said "daddy where did mommy go"I sighed and said "home"
She made a sad face and said "without me , I stay with u? "

"Yeah you gone stay with me is that okay?"I said messing with her hands

She smiled and said "yes, daddy can we go I tired me an Cia"she said pointing to cianna

"Y'all don't want to go through the haunted house tonight"I said looking at them both

"NO!"they both yelled

"Well then okay "Keshawn said laughing

"Right aye Shawn where yo girl"I said walking towards the car

"Shit gone too!"he said shaking his head

"Damn bro something up but ion give a fuck at least I got my child that's all that matters on my life".

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