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Ree P.O.V

When I told Jayla to get out  Quintel picked me up and layed me on the bed and kissed me on my forhead and asked was I okay.

"I said no not really",then I got him off me and tryed to go to the closet but he grabbed me by my waist and sat me on his lap and asked me why.

"Can I put my clothes on first so I can tell u?" I said messing with his hair

"Yeah"he said lightly moving me off of him

I went to my closet and took out black skinny jeans with a all red long sleeve shirt and my black and red retro 13s .

I put on my gold chain and my gold rolex watch.I applied on masscar and lip gloss.and I left my hair down curly.

After I was done doing that I told Quintel I was finished getting dressed and I'm ready to tell him what I was telling Jayla.

"Damn bae we just going to the mall n out to eat maybe to moms house but wassup what u gotta tell me?"

I sighed and said "you know how I had to go to the hospital because I was cut up, and I passed out right? "

He covered his mouth and said,"damn bae I didn't know it was that bad but yeah how u pass out?"he said putting his hand over my shoulder

"Okay well I passed out cause.,. I was... well am pregnant"I said looking at his face

He moved his arm from around me and said"I . I can't have no more kids ....look that's great koodos to u but I can't have no more kids"he said scratching his head

"What the fuck u mean u can't have no more kids ,u never told me u had any ,how many do u got I said getting mad

"I got 2 fucking kids one a girl and the other a boy their names are Kiana and Quayln.Quayln 5 and Kiana 2 I can't have no more kids bruh"

"Man no fuck that u got two kids u can have three I'm not bout to raise this child on my on quintel u put this baby in me and now u gone take care of it real shit".

"Trust me Ree if I could I would help u with the kid but I can't I'm already kinda struggling with the two I got,plus girl u got yo sister to help u and yo brothers plus they got drug money they can buy u anything u need for that baby and u got 18,000 dollars coming in for u every damn week girl that's alotta money and u saying u can't take care of that baby and u got this big ass house.

"I understand what u saying but this baby can't grow up with out a father".

He sighed and said "look ima be in the baby life I just can't provide things like that and my ratchet baby mamas want me to do everything"that's why I say that.

"Baby mama's u got more than one what the hell ,wait a min let me not even trip ,and u got drug money too so what u mean but eny way ima give u 15,000 dollars out of my 18,000 u can go n buy the kids u got anything they need cause I don't want them going around looking eny type of way cause I know u don't ,And that's my gift to u"

"I know that's bad and drug money? Ion got that no more I got outta that business last month and I been working ever sense I thought I told u that but....enyway thanks ma I adore a love u for that very much no lie .You like the only girl that's been down with me through bad a tough situations and o really love u for that real talk and ion tell nobody I love unless its my moms my kids.But now I gotta future wife I can say I love u to everyday"he said smiling

I started crying a little and said "and u know that ima always be down for u boo we forever and instead of our day to ourselfs how about u get yo two kids and bring them along and then we can take them shopping and out to eat plus I wanna meet them"

"Alright we could do that love u bae"he said giving me a hug

"Love u too big head"

Jayla P.O.V

I was otp with Quan when I told him I'm bout to go with Jarvis to the mall and stuff.

"Okay best friend have fun but let me know if that nigga hurt u"he said chuckling

I laughed and and said bye boy I'll hit yo line later"

He said ight and with that I hung up.

I washed up a Lil then I went to my closet I took out my light blue jeans ,my all white long sleeve shirt,and a purple belt,I wore my Kd rugrats and put on a purple watch and a purple scarf ,then I wetted my hair and put it in a wet curly bun.I sprayed on some perfume then I applied masscara,eyeliner,and lipgloss.I felt  cute asf  but I grabbed my Mk purse ,keys and phone and texted Jarvis saying I was ready.

I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen to get a caprisun I love those things.

Then I sat at the barstool waiting

"Hey where u going"? Ree said walking pass me.

I smiled and said "I gotta date"

"Uhh and who is the person taking u on this date she said "laughing at me

"Jarvis"I said smiling

"Girl boo he too fine to be taking u of his other Lil hoes must be going" she said laughing

I laughed and said "girl shut up no but where u going"

"I'm going with quintel and I gotta lace u up la homie"she said smiling

"Must be good news but ig talk to u later have fun"I said walking out the door

"Hey boo"I said giving him a hug

"Wassuh lul cutie house baaad asf"he said opening the car door for me

"What a gentlemen and thank u"I said getting in the car

"No problem so where u wanna go first"he said driving out of the drive way

"Mmm how about lunch I'm hungry I haven't ate all day"

"Okay but I gotta go by my moms house real quick I gotta get somebody"he said winking at me

I laughed and said"wym get somebody it isn't no hoe is it?"

"Girl nah why would a hoe be at my moms house are u crazy"he said laughing

"Oh well I dont know"

We got to his moms house.She got a beautiful house. He told me to stay in the car though cause he'll be right back.By the way he was looking real cute he had on black joggers a all white T-shirt that said"That's y(our) girl"in black letters,and white and black concords,and his hair was wet and curly oh my lord lol.

A few mins later he brung out a Lil girl I wonder who she is.

Who do u think the Lil girl is?

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