Part 6

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Jayla P.O.V

I couldnt believe what I saw.....I saw Xavier whith a kinfe and Ree layed on the floor with blood on her wrist she looked like she was passed out.But I grabbed the gun and shot him in the head.

Then I immediately picked up Ree and carried her downstairs. I looked outside and saw cops and ambulance. They rushed in grabbed Ree and put her on the stretcher.Then the cops asked me questions and I answer.I asked them could I ride with them to the hospital they said no cause it was serious bleeding that she had.

I started crying but then I realized she gone be good.I called Jay and Ray and told them what happened. They said they was gone try to be here asap.

Then I called her bf to tell him what happened he said, "he'll try to make cause he got family issues of his own,"I replied with a simple "okay".

After I called him,I called quan and Keshawn and told them to come get me so we can ride together.

I took a 10min shower and put some black sweats and a white tshirt then a Nike hoodie,then I put on my Nike slides,and put my hair in a wet bun. I grabbed my phone and keys and walked downstairs and sat on the couch and waited for Quan and Keshawn.

While I was waiting Jarvis texted me saying

"Hey Meanie❤"

I was thinking about texting him back, but I just smiled and went to the door cause keshawn and Quan was here.

15mins later we arrived at the hospital

"Are u okay"I asked Keshawn cause he looked mad as hell

"Hell nah she was just smiling and laughing this morning and now she in the hospital probably fighting for damn life and I should be asking u the same thing u was the one who witnessed it"he said frustrated

"I know" I said starting to tear up.

"Aw don't cry Jayla she gone make it real talk",Quan said giving me a hug.

I replied with a simple okay and with that being said "I went to the front desk and asked the lady were Ree was.She told us and we went to the second floor and went in room 205.

Ree P.O.V

"Ree"I heard a familiar voice say

I tried to sit up and see who it was but I couldn't cause I was sore "uhh who u"I said dryly.

"Its me ya sis Jayla are u okay?"she said moving my hair out my face

"Omg yes I'm good I'm just happy u finally here them doctors kept asking me all these damn questions ,but they did say I'm able to get out tomorrow morning."

"Well that's good do u remember what happened some hours ago and do u have any brusies on u"?

"No all I can remember was somebody by the door and me getting cut on my wrist and stomach"she said lifting up her shirt.

"Aw but the person by the door was me I shot the perosn who was trynna kill u n it was Xavier"

"Yeah yeah him idk why though but good thing he gone but where bae at?"

"Uhh he said he wasn't able to make it he said he had family issues of his own which we know is a damn lie".

"Shut up Jayla don't say that im just gone believe that its that and leave it alone".

"Okay okay what ever u say " I said quotating my  fingers

Anyway the doctor came in and told me why I was passed out ,and he said because I was pregnant.When I heard that I was so happy I wanted to call Quintel but I guess I'll just wait to see him to tell him.

Jayla was so happy and I could tell cause she would be a great aunt she'll spoil the mess out of him or her and Keshawn would be the best godfather.

Keshawn P.O.V

I talked to Ree a little bit but then she told me she was pregnant by Quintel I was shocked asf cause that nigga already got two kids from two ghetto ass hoes.

And Ree don't even know it's fucked up I would tell her but I don't want to cause she already have to go through enough.

"Aye best friend u want me to come get u tomorrow morning"?I asked her as I sat on the edge of her bed.

She slowly sat up and said "yes best friend "

I said "okay gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead and left the room.

So what do you think Quintel is going to say about Ree having a baby when he already have some?

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