Part 19

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Quan P.O.V

"Daddy wheres your girlfriend"McKenzie asked while eating a fruit snack

"I don't have one baby girl you want to go shopping?"

She got up and jumped and down and said "Yes! Can cousin Cianna come"

"Yeah go find something to wear and I'll call"I said while dialing Shawn number.

She ran upstairs and said "okay!"Then Shawn answerd the phone


"Aye what you doing I'm taking Kenize to the mall and she want Cianna to come"

"We at the Car deal shop right now, you can meet me here to come get her"

"Ight foo here I come"I said hanging up

McKenzie came down stairs she had on a, all white shirt, a brown Jacket, white jeans, and her brown ugg boots ,with a scarf "I'm ready"!

I laughed and said "okok baby girl who taught you how to dress like that?"

"Mommy ,are you ready daddy "she said smiling

"Yes let's go"I said picking her up and locking the door behind us.
I opened the back door put her in her car seat and Buckled her up.Then I got it the front an did the same.I started the car and about 10mins later we arrived at the car deal place.I called Shawn and a asked where he was at, he told me and I drove over there.
Keshawn had put her car seat in my car and cianna got it.

"You getting a new car foo"?

"Yuh ima get this bad ass Charger and Range Rover".

I laughed and said "Ight I see u fam"

"Well yall be safe, aye go drop by the hospital I think Jarvis told me she woke up but I really couldn't hear him"

"Ight we'll see u later"I drove off and made my way to the hospital.

About 14mins we made it..I got both of them out the car.And we walked in the hospital.I went to the counter and asked the nurse for Jayla, and she escorted us to her room.We walked in and saw Jayla sitting up messing with Kayli hair and Jarvis beside her.

"Hey y'all"I said giving the girls hugs and dapping up Jarvis

"Wassuh foo ,glad u came"Jarvis said

"No problem, bestfriend you holding up good?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just ready to get out of here ,how are yall doing ? Tell the girls to come here.

I fell ya ,and we doing good y'all come here what y'all scared for "?

"Daddy I'm not scared, I was watching tv with Cee "she said as both of them was climbing on the hospital bed, giving Jayla and Kayli a hug.

Jayla kissed both the girls foreheads, and said "where y'all bout to looking all cute"

They both said "the mall! "At the same time.Kayli had set up real fast and said "Daddy, Mommy J can I go".They both had said "yes "and the girls was happy.

"Well I guess you better get going they happy now"Jayla said laughing and smiling

"Yeah, you right well let's go girls"before I left Jayla called me back in the room and said "Make sure Kayli behave she been kinda upset"

"I got you but why? "

Tears started to form in her eyes and she softly said "I lost the baby ".I covered my mouth and said "damn I'm so sorry "
She looked at me then Jarvis and said "yeah I'll be good though "

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