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Quintel P.O.V

"Man I think its time for you to go to sleep or some shit cause you acting a damn foo fr!I said yelling at Ree

She started crying then she said,"Can u just leave me alone for the rest of the day please, im sick of u yelling at me like u my daddy or some shit"she said in between sniffles

"Alright bye don't text me,or call me for shit,sense u want to be left alone,I just suggested u take a nap cause u acting up and crying for no damn reason"

After I said that I grabbed my keys and phone and walked out her room frustrated I didn't even want hear what she had to say, oh well her ass gone be lonely tonight.I'm bout to hit up my homeboy house.

When I got to my homeboy house.He had a house full of girls

"Aye ugly ass nigga what you doing over here?"he said dapping me up

"Aw nun man I just need to get away from the crib and my girl house"I said sitting down on his couch

"I feel ya son,you want anything to drink or some?"

I said"no"and thats when Ree started calling me I looked at the phone and shook my head and rejected the call I told her not to talk to me

"Aye why u shaking yo head bruh?"he said sitting infront of me

"Its my girl cuh she been tripping all day she told me she was pregnant,I talked to her for a min and told her I was gone be with her,then I took her shopping,and out to eat and she started tripping when we got to the restaurant she said I was looking at the waitress ass well that hoe was big how couldnt I,and her cry baby ass start crying when she got home so she told me to leave her alone and me being stuck up and shit I said "alright dont talk to me sense u want to be bitchy and yeah so thats why im over here man.I said putting my head in my hands

"Damn mane she pregnant though she gone have mixed emotions you got to be ready for all that,and are u ready for a third child anyway?"

"Fuck nah man do u really think I'm ready for a another damn child my lanky ass just got out of school knowing my black ass ain't going to college I got to at least find a job cause this drug money always gone be my back up you feel me?"

"Yeah I guess I understand bruh I guess you got to at least bare with her,and how is her fine ass sister u don't like"

I laughed and said"man she still fucking annoying oo I can't stand her but she straight foo, and she fuck with that nigga Jarvis"

"Man fuck him he always getting these fine ass hoes but I still can take his bitch so idgaf"

I laughed and said "alright im out foo"

We dapped up and I began to walk out the door until I saw this fine ass girl otp yelling an shit

"Well tell that hoe I said fuck her and you I'm done with yo broke ass you never did shit any way dumb bitch!"

Ooo I can't stand mfs" she mumbled while walking toward my way

"The fuck you looking at she said rolling her eyes at me

"Aye calm down with the attitude ma I just want to know why u yelling like that"I said moving in front of her

"Don't worry bout's my business now can you move the fuck out my way so I can proceed my walk"

"Nah cause I think you cute and I want to get to know you better cause yo attitude bad but I can deal"

She smirked a little then got back serious and said "look boy this ain't not drama movie u not bout to get my number and try to talk to me awhile then fuck me over it just ain't bout to work now move!" she said pushing me out the way

I swear if she was a nigga I'd pop her bitch ass but she fine then a hoe ima get her digits soon though ik my ways

Jayla P.O.V

When I got home I immediately went to the shower.I took 15mins then I got out, lotioned up and sprayed some perfume.Then I put on my Victoria secret underwear an bra.Then I put on a all white crop top and some black sleeping shorts,and my black nike socks. After, that I flat iorned my hair and sprayed some oil sheen on it and left it down. I went over to my phone and saw I had five unread messages.The first one was from Ray


Ray~Aye is u and Ree alright?",cause she not answering my calls

Me~Yeah we straight and she sleep where are u at?

Ray~Alright and finding y'all a trap sister in law lmao

Me~Noooo don't bring no ratchet hoe in here that's a bad influence lol

Ray ~girl if u don't getchoo mf uhh but aye what's that boy that picked you up today?

Me~uhh his name Jarvis why? And can u bring us something to eat cause I just got out the shower and I don't feel like cooking or driving

Ray~Just making sure it ain't no nigga that's against are squaad yunno gang shit but I can't we not even on that side of town ask that lil boy or stop being lazy witcho lazy ass

Me~ lol omg shut up but okay bye love u make sure u tell Jay I said that as well

Ray~alright we love y'all too

After I was done texting him I called Jarvis to see if he could bring us something but he didn't answer.So I called Quintel and he didn't answer. What the hell wrong with these niggas phones anyway I called my home girl Keisha and she said she'll be able to and she bringing her sister Kye as well.I said "alright" and I hung up and went to wake Ree up so she can get ready .

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Do you think Quintel gone leave Ree for the other chick?

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