The Bounty Hunter

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A habitable natural satellite orbiting the gas giant Goolbantion, which is located in the Andromeda constellation.

This watery world was not exactly what you would call a safe haven.

Rather, it was a haven for all kinds of wanted criminals from all over the galaxy. Pirates, gangsters, bandits, you name it.

Due to Jobur being mostly water, the inhabitants of this strange moon relied on watercraft to travel across the vast waterworld.

In the middle of the lunar ocean was a nightclub, which, at night, bustles with the roarings of drunken laughter and angry outbursts from the customers, as well as crashes and groans of pain from their belligerent fighting.

Vile creatures of all races came to this club from the farthest reaches of the galaxy. Many of them were criminals with a record, some were bounty hunters, and a small portion were native gypsies descended from an amphibian-like race.

The guests at the club, however, were varied in appearance. Some were humanoid with less-than-human features, others were disgusting creatures with tentacles or insect-like forms, more savage than sentient.

The ambient laughter and roars of the customers were a common sound in the nightclub, but that night it was disturbed.

Three tall, humanoid, reptilian beings opened the door, causing everyone to fall silent and cast hateful glares at them.

These three creatures all had pale, scaly skin, cat-like slits for eyes and a long, tail-like appendage on the back of their heads, a tentacle of some sort.

The leader of the trio stepped forward and entered the establishment, followed by his subordinates.

"Good evening to you all," said the leader with a charming yet poisonous tone. "I am Ay-Shinn."

Everyone in the club looked upon the serpentine creature with contempt as he said those meaningless words.

"I am looking for someone to do a job for me," continued Ay-Shinn.

At that, a huge, red-skinned, muscular beast of a humanoid stepped forward to face down the reptilian.

"And what's in it for me?" said the giant, a deep, hoarse voice emanating from his boar-like lips.

Ay-Shinn looked back at the creature unflinchingly.

"I want someone found," he replied. "Brought back to me alive."

At that moment the hulking beast raised his enormous fist at Ay-Shinn.

"Why not do it yourself?!" growled the red-skinned creature as he proceeded to strike the snake-like humanoid.

But the giant's fist stopped in its tracks as a white tentacle wrapped around the monster's wrist and tossed him aside like a piece of cardboard, much to the astonishment of the guests.

"To be specific," said Ay-Shinn in a calm but raised voice, "I am looking for a bounty hunter."

Everyone was silent. No one dared talk for fear of being tossed around by the creature's head-tail.

"Depends on the bounty," came a voice from behind the crowd of assorted aliens.

Everyone turned their attention to the speaker. They cleared the way for Ay-Shinn so he could see him.

A young humanoid male sat in the corner of the counter. He had gray skin with tattoo-like markings all over his body and unkempt, slicked back hair. He also wore a leather-like material with chains that made him look like a member of a motorcycle gang from Earth.

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