Spark of War

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The craft which was propelling Hitoshi, Emycho and Tayyuk towards Ardonia made its way through the tunnel of hyperspace at unfathomable speed.

With it traveled an entire fleet of other spacecraft, piloted by the galaxy's most wanted, criminals who were only in it for the reward Princess Maina of Ardonia might give them were she rescued.

Hitoshi's face was full of resolve and determination. There seemed to be nothing stopping him from saving his girlfriend, no matter what the cost. Nothing else was on his mind as he stood there, peering through the windscreen of the spacecraft.

Tayyuk's expression was also that of a somber and serious sort. He knew that they were all flying into almost certain war. He gripped the control wheel tightly as he piloted the craft.

Emycho, however, seemed to be in another state of reality, literally, altogether, at least to her. Her vision seemed to slowly fade into white as everything around her disappeared.

The extradimensional being looked around in apparent surprise as she was surrounded by a blank, white nothingness. Slowly though, the nothingness began to mold itself into some kind of concrete high structure, a Citadel of sorts, in the middle of which Emycho stood.

As the Citadel took form, six humanoid figures, not dissimilar in appearance to Emycho, stood in a circle around her, like some kind of council. She knew exactly where she was.

The fifth dimension.

Nothing material existed in this realm. Nothing real in the eyes of man existed here. Nothing man or many other carbon-based lifeform in the universe can comprehend existed here. The laws of physics did not seem to affect affect the ethereal entities that dwelled in this white blankness.

"Emycho," spoke one of the fifth-dimensional beings in the all-speaking tongue that they all speak. "You have acted against the laws that govern the material universe."

Emycho did not speak. They spoke the truth.

"You have interfered with the businesses of carbon-based lifeforms," spoke another of the glowing white beings forming the council atop the Citadel. "Fifth-dimensional beings never interfere with the material universe except in greatest need. It is a very serious offense."

"That is true," said another. "Your violation must not go without punishment--"

"May I speak?" said Emycho, interrupting them.

The council of fifth-dimensional beings looked at one another and one of them, who seemed to be the leader, nodded at the accused.

"What you say is true," said Emycho with a slight hint of emotion in her voice. "I have committed a grave violation. We are supposed to be watchers of the universe, not deities."

"That is correct," said one of the entities surrounding her. "Then why did you act against that, our most sacred of laws?"

"Has emotion clouded your judgement, Emycho?" said another. "You know all too well that emotion is not necessary with our kind. Logic governs us, not emotion. It is what separates us from carbon-based lifeforms."

"And why is it that we are separate from them?" demanded Emycho.

The council felt silent.

"We are not beings of necessity," said the entity in the middle. "We simply govern the material universe and all life in it. But should we not act while crimes are being committed--"

"The businesses of carbon-based lifeforms are their own," said the leader of the council. "We do not interfere--"

"My friend will die!" said Emycho with a raised voice that echoed throughout the white nothingness that surrounded the Citadel.

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