Naruto Vocaloid Crossover (Sasuke sister story) ~Part 1

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Name: Mato Uchiha

Nicknames: Mato-chan, Kuroi(by her white counterpart)

Age: 9-11/13(at the start of shippuden)

Gender: Female

Rank: Genin-chuunin/ Elite Jonin

Team: Team 5

Teammates: Saki Fujita (Hatsune Miku), Yuu Asakawa(Luka Megurine)

Sensei: Meiko Sakine

Vocaloid: Black Rock Shooter

Nendroid name: Blacky

Family: Itachi Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha

Kekkei Genkai: Sharingan(can use all in shippuden)

Personality: Depends on who she's with (you find out it's complicated)

Other: she attends aprivatefuturistic (for the naruto world) school for vocaloids after the chuunin exams.

Story Start (Itachi's POV)

I was at the waiting spot with my team, well most of it. Kuniko, our only female team mate, was running late....again! It looked as if it was about to rain so our sensei told us to go home for the day. as I was about to leave Kuniko came running up to me appologizing for her late arrival. it started raining so We ran to my house as it was the closest.

As I opened the door a certain little boy came running up to me and hugged me tight. "Big brother you're back!" then he notice Kuniko "Kuniko-neechan! did you come to play?" She smiled at him and asked me "Hey Itacih you have a new baby sister don't you?" She said walking to the kitchen. She always treated this house like it was her own. My mother came out of the kitchen " Itachi, you could have told me Kuniko was coming" "Oh sorry about that Mrs Uchiha. We were training and it stated raining" "I wish we were training" I said. "Well as long as you're here, I should let your mother know." "No that's ok, I live at a boarding school and they don't mind my absence for one night" "well ok then, you three go up to The boys' room while i finish the cooking" Sasuke complained "But mother Mato is sleaping there!" "Oh don't worry you probably woke her up"

We went up to our room and indeed Mato was awake. She was playing with one of her toys in the cradle. Sasuke ran to his toy box and took out his stuffed dragon. "Kuniko-neechan! let's play!" "Okay!" he threw her the dragon and she pretended to be a dragon. I just picked mato up and sat on my bed looking at them. " look look the dragon is attacking!" Kuniko said " I'll kill it!" He pretended to punch and kick her and she fell down. "Hooray for the hero!" Mato clapped for Sasuke. "wow! she already knows how to clap!" Kuniko walked over to Mato "you're so cute, I wish i had a little sister like you" Mato Giggled as Kuniko picked her up and sat down on the floor.

"Oh yeah, By the way Kuniko. Why were you late today?" "Itachi you know I'm always late" "Yeah but today you were abnormally late" "Ok ok you got me! truth is our principal gave me a nendroid today and i had to research some facts about black rock shooter" "Black rock shooter? is that the one with the cannon and flaming blue eye?" I asked "Sounds cool!" Sasuke said "I still don't know who it might be" "Onee-chan! what's a nendroid?" Sasuke asked " well it wouldn't hurt to show him would it?" I shook my head. She took out a black doll and gave it to sasuke. "hold on i thought nendroids could move" just then Sasuke pressed something that switched it on. "Wait! don't switch it on he'll go for....! " The nendroid tangled it's neckwire around Mato and plugged it's USB inside Mato's neck.

Mato screamed and Shocks came out of her neck. I was going to grab her but Kuniko stopped me. "No you'll only get shocked!" I pulled sasuke away from Mato. Then Mother came up to our room. "What's happening to her?! will she be allright?" "I don't know, I've never seen this in person before" "So this is normal?" My mother reached out to touch Mato but Kuniko stopped her "Are you crazy?!" Kuniko grabbed mato and since she was a vocaloid it didn't effect her. "calm down Mato It'll be fine" the Shocks started to decrease but mato didn't stop crying.

when it was safe enough for us to touch it she asked my mother to hold mato. she took out Wane, her nendroid, plugged in the USB and turned Wane into a keyboard synthesizer. "What do you think? i got it yesterday" she asked. "what is that supposed to do?" I shouted at her. "shut up and see!" she stared playing the keyboard and singing ( ) surprisingly enough Mato stopped crying. But after all this My mother demanded an explenation.

Kuniko took full resposibility and told her everything about her and vocaloids. That's how my little sister became a vocaloid.

My life as a Half robot- Naruto Vocaloid Crossover (sasuke sister story)Where stories live. Discover now