Naruto Vocaloid Crossover (Sasuke sister story) ~Part 3

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Mato POV

Soon After I entered the kitchen Sasuke did too. I'm sure he was whining, but it was too loud for me to hear anything else. Itachi's crying was in my head and wouldn't get out, soon I could feel his pain and I crouched in pain and started crying myself. Sasuke thought it was because We lost our parents, But it wasn't. It was too much pain for me to endure. I did What Kuniko had told me to do earlier that day- Plugged Blacky in my neck and turned it into the rock cannon. 

"STOP CRYING!" I screamed, and aimed the cannon at Itachi subcontiously. There was something-or rather- someone else controlling me. Sasuke looked at me in horror, not knowing what has gone wrong with me.  Right before i could hit Itachi he stabbed me in the stomach and immediately I started loosing memories. "What's going on?" I said moving away from Itachi. I leaned on the cannon, as I saw blue oxes leave my body and repair my stomach.  I looked around once again not recognizing anyone in the room except Itachi. I forgot who Sasuke was, I forgot who my parents were or what they did in thosse past 3 years I'd lived with them. 

"Onii-san!" I said loudly. the pain was gone, I couldn't feel a thing. "What's going on? Who are these people?" 

"Are you stupid?! They're our parents!" Sasuke Shouted from behind me "And you... Nii-san stabbed you, why are you still okay?" 

"Shut up!" I aimed the cannon at him and attempted to shoot, but he ran away. I fainted not long after. 

The next thing I remember is waking up at Kuniko's house. I remembered Kuniko. "Good morning Mato-chan" I looked at her and got out of bed. "You forgot about your family didn't you?" I stopped at the door, but didn't aswer her question.

"Where's Itachi?" I asked whithout making eye contact.

"He's in the kitchen" Kuniko said. I swayed to the kitchen and ran into Itachi's Arms. Then he picked me up and put me on his lap. Kuniko lived with her mother and little sister, Saki. I often used to visit them and Saki and we would play all day. 

"Mato-chan! We're going to live together now! isn't that great?" Saki shouted happily, standing up on her chair. I was shocked. O course I wouldn't mind living With Saki, she was my best friend. But i would have prefared living with Itachi.

"Why can't I live With onii-san?" I asked. Itachi patted my Head and said "Onii-san has to work. besides the villaige won't accept me anymore, now that I've killed a lot of people"

"By the Way Itachi, Why did you stab her? she would've died if she weren't a vocaloid!"  Kuniko said walking in the kitchen. apparently she was not happy about what Itachi did to me.

"Well Sasuke was there" I was confused at the time. so many questions in my head! How did Itachi know I'm a vocaloid? Who's Sasuke? And why was Itachi leaving the villaige? But like I always Say Time always Tells.

My life as a Half robot- Naruto Vocaloid Crossover (sasuke sister story)Where stories live. Discover now