Believe Because Dreams Come True

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"Mooommmm!" I yelled, "Hurry up were going to be late" .

"I'm coming " she yelled.

Gosh it seems like I'm the only one around here who cares to be on time. We were about to leave to go to my solo practice. Yes I'm a dancer. I'm 17 yes I know I should be driving but I don't have a car.

"Lets go ", she said as she finally got down stairs.

She looked happy, like a kid on Christmas.

We got in the car and she started driving.

"Why are you so happy", I said as I put my Justin Bieber cd in the car.

"I don't know I just am and Aly really? Do you have to bring that Bieber cd everywhere you go?"

"Yes I do actually", I said.

We pulled up to the dance studio and I unbuckled my seat belt.

"I'll be in in a minute",my mom said.

I walked in the studio. Ahh I love this place. I've been dancing here since I was 2. Dancing is my life.

I walked into studio A and set my bag down.

I took off my sweats and put my hair in a loose bun. I sat down on the floor and started stretching.

"Hey Aly ", my dance teacher Mrs. Jennifer as she walked in the room.

"Heyy Jennifer!!!"

"Lets get right to work were gonna make this routine look perfect and at the end of rehearsal I have something to tell you ", she said with a smile.

"Kay kay"

She put her iPod on the dock and she started playing my music. It was to As Long As You Love Me , the acoustic version by Justin Bieber. I had to beg her to choreograph to Justin's music. She gave in because she knew how much it would mean to me.

The music played and I danced my heart out. I needed to make everything perfect. I always strived for perfection and won't stop till I get there. I was really hard on myself.

At the end of rehearsal I sat down by the stereo and drank water while Jennifer talked to me.

"So you know today is Thursday",she said as she began to speak.

"Yes I do know that "

Oh gosh where is this headed I thought.

" Well Im going to tell you something but you can't freak out until I finish telling you okay?"


" Well as you know Justin Bieber has a concert tommorow and Saturday at the MGM grand In Las Vegas sooooo tommorow you are going to the concert but that's not it. On Saturday you are going to dance your solo on Justin Bieber's stage during the concert!"

"WHATTTTT!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH OH MY GOD OH MY GOSHH!!!! YOUR KIDDING! HOLY CRAP! " I screamed as tears began to pour out of my eyes.

"No I'm not kidding this is real life this is going to happen." She said pulling me up off of the floor into a hug.

"Oh my goshhh", I cried as I hugged her back.

She pulled back and I wiped my tears. I couldn't stop smiling.

"How", I said.

"Well I emailed Scooter Braun , you know him right ? Of course you do. I sent him a video of you dancing and told him how you always talk about dreaming of meeting Justin and being able to dance for him and he emailed me back and told me he thought you were amazing and he could make it happen".

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