Believe because dreams do come true

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I looked at the clock and it said 5:15 am. Ugh I'm so tired. I rolled out of bed and got in the shower. I put on denim shorts and my big grey sweatshirt. I left my hair down in my waves and put on mascara. I grabbed my suitcase and went out the door..

I was walking down the hallway when I saw Fredo.

"Sup aly?", he said slowing down so I could catch up to him. "Hey Fredo", I said. We got In the elevator and went down. When we got to the lobby I saw Justin and the Biebs crew.

I grabbed all my stuff and began to walk over there.

Justin ran over to me and hugged me. I laughed and tried to hug bak but I had bags in my hands. "Hey beautiful", he said. I blushed and said "Hey Justin". We walked over to everybody else and then out the sore we went. When we got to the plane Justin took my bags and said "I got them". "Thanks", I said smiling at him and walking into the plane.

The plane was nice. Well I kind of knew it was going to be nice because after all it is a private jet. Justin walked in and sat down next to me. I took out my phone and said "hey Justin." "Yea?" "You wanna take pictures with me". "Yea!" He said scouting closer. I held out my phone and we began to take pictures. We took silly faces and ones where he kissed me on the cheek and ones where I kissed him on the cheek and we took nice pictures too. "Send me those", Justin said. "Kay". I sent them to him and then put away my phone.

"I'm tired Justin wake me up when we land." I said. "Okay Aly goodnight", he said smiling at me. "Goodnight Justin ", I said laughing. I closed my eyes and leaned back.

I woke up an hour later and saw I was laying on Justin's chest. He had an arm wrapped around me and he was asleep. I smiled and put my head back down. "Attention mr. Bieber and team we will be landing shortly." The captain said. I felt Justin move and I turned my head to look up at him.

"Your very comfortable", I said as I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair. He laughed and said "thanks". The plane landed and we got out stuff and walked to the car. I told the driver my address and we started driving. "I'm so tired " Justin said. "Me too", I said. The driver pulled up in front of my house. Justin got out and got my bags and handed them to me. "Thanks Justin", I said. He hugged me and said "no problem ill see you bright and early tommorow morning".

I walked up to my house and put my key in the door. "Mom I'm home" I called out. I dropped my stuff and walked to the kitchen. "Hi honey", my mom said hugging me. "Hey". "How was it?" She asked. "I had the best time of my life." I said. I grabbed a Arizona watermelon tea from the fridge and grabbed my stuff and headed up to my room.

I went on Instagram and saw Justin had posted the photo of me and him doing the ducky face. I laughed and posted the one of me and Justin smiling. I set the one of him kissing my cheek as my lock screen and then I locked my phone. I got up and went to shower . After my shower I put on my pajamas and got into bed. Only one more week till my 18th birthday! I set my alarm for 5:30 and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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