Believe because dreams come true

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DEDICATED TO @mkm0026 she is so nice and an amazing writer ! Go check out her story!


"Aye Justin" I heard Fredo say.

"Sup Fredo", Justin said. We all went out the backwater of the arena and the security snuck us up to our rooms.

Once we got in the elevator I put Justin down. "Hey aly?" Justin said.

"Yea?" "Wanna come back to my room with me and watch a movie or something?" "Sure", I said.

We got off the elevator and we walked to Justin's room. He put the key in the door and opened it. "Welcome to Bieber hotel room after you my lady", Justin said putting his arms out and letting me walk past. I giggled and walked in. "Oh my gosh this is amazing." I said. His room was huge. He had a big flat screen tv, a pool, a basketball hoop, a kitchen and the biggest bed I had ever seen.

I walked over and jumped on his bed face first. "This bed feels nice", I said into the sheets. I heard Justin laugh and I felt the bed sink down beside me. I rolled over and put my head on Justin's pillow. His pillow smelt like him.

"Thank you Justin for everything. Tonight was the best night of my life." I said. Justin rolled over to look at me."aww no problem you deserved it you were amazing." "Thanks", I said sitting up. "So tell me about yourself". Justin said. "Okay what do you want to know?", I asked . "Your story like where you come from and your family."

"Okay well I live with just my mom. Ummm I've never really told anybody this but my dad is in jail for abusing me and my mom." I took a deep breath and kept going." When I was about 13 years old he started drinking. He never laid a hand on me though until I was 14. That's when he started hurting me. First it was just slapping me. But then it got worse. He started throwing me down the stairs kicking Me punching me anything you can think of he did. One day it just got so bad that I went in the bathroom and grabbed my razor and I was about to cut myself until I thought of you." tears began to spill out of my eyes as i kept talking "I thought of you and how you wouldn't want me to cut myself and you would want me to stay strong so I put the razor down."

Justin reached up and wiped my tears and pulled me into a hug. I cried into his shoulder. "Thank you", Justin said.

"For what?" "For putting the razor down. Your a beautiful girl and don't ever think that nobody cares because I do. I promise everything's gonna be alright",He said as he rubbed my back. "Thank you"I said. We pulled away and I wiped my tears.

"So tell me something I might not know about you Bieber ", I said. Justin laughed "well Im pretty sure you know everything." I laughed and said "well tell me something I don't know". "Ummmm okay well nobody really knows this except for my crew but Selena just dated me for fame. We never loved each other." He said. "I knew it!" I said. "How?" "Well I see the way you look at your mom. You have that look like you really love her. You never looked that way with Selena." "Your good", he said and laughed. "I know", I said and smirked.

"You wanna watch a movie?", he said. "Sure." "Lets watch paronormal activity." He said walking to the tv. He put the movie in and layed down next to me.

"Ahhhhhh!", I screamed and put my head in my hands. Okay this movie is freakin scary. Justin laughed and put his arm around me pulling me closer. "It's okay I got you", he said. Very scary part that came I would hide my face in Justin's chest and Justin would laugh at me. After the movie he played music. I felt my eyes getting heavy and they closed.

I woke up to the feeling of somebody picking me up bridal style. I opened my eyes to see Justin carrying me and taking me to my room. I closed my eyes so he wouldn't notice I was awake because I didn't want to walk. He put me down on my bed and kissed my forehead. "I love you Justin", I said as I pulled my blankets over me. He smiled at me and said "I love you too Aly."


SORRY IT'S SO SHORT! I will try to update as soon as I can! HAPPY 4th of July!!!

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